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Pay closer attention.
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Author:  khatool [ 25 Mar 2009, 09:59 ]
Post subject:  Pay closer attention.

Right then!
Police....please stop giving the rank of detective to people who are are horrible at RP.

Last night I was aiming a USAS at an officer, and he pulled a knife and threw it into my face.

This got my angry, but I decided not to complain...then, about five minutes later, comes Albert.

Albert Johnson, one of your detectives, starts yelling "DRUGS HERE!" to try and bust people.

I, who hate drug dealers, ligitamately did not know he was a cop, and invited him into the back room of the bar, where I aimed a gun at him and told him I was going to call the police. I also said "If you move, you die", while I had it aimed at him. As I aimed a gun a him, I realized he was a cop, but decided I had to go on with the RP because my character had no idea.

Well, the cops didnt answer the phone, so while I was debating what to do, he pulls out a rifle and starts full autoing.
I, (With my ninja skillz) proceed to shoot him with my Glock-18.

The following is a log of the aftermath just afterwards:

Albert Johnson: (( BAD ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( pulling out an AK while pistol aimed at you? Fail ))

Albert Johnson: (( wasnt ak ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( oh? ))

<NEWSALERT> Police have found Albert Johnson dead. No other details have been released.

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( it was most certainly a rifle. What was it? ))

Albert Johnson: (( m4 ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( ooooooohhhhhhhh ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( that excuses you then ))

Albert Johnson: (( Yeah ))

Albert Johnson: (( Thats what I thought ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( um.... ))

Colin Williams: (( want me to shank him zach? ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( upside down exclamation point was intended ))

Zachary 'Slippy' Vivalldi: (( Who? ))

Colin Williams: (( da*n whered other zach go? ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( (which is the sarcasm mark) ))


Zachary 'Slippy' Vivalldi: (( I got away, man. ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( Albert...that really is horrible rp ))

Colin Williams: (( f**k yo run ))

(Shout) Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: GET ON THE GROUND, NOW!

(Shout) Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: GET ON THE GROUND, NOW!

Albert Johnson: (( so is this bullshit powergaming abduction s*it ))

I'm going to pause the log right there. He called me a powergamer. Although I admit to inadvertantly powergaming a few times in the past, I had NO IDEA how this could be powergaming. I of course, asked Albert to explain.

(by the way, those two "GET ON THE GROUND, NOW!"s were accidental binds.)

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( I ))

Colin Williams: (( AND THE WINNAH ))

This car is reserved for STEAM_0:1:61983, you are STEAM_0:0:7873053

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( I dont even think I used 1 /me, lol ))

<NEWSALERT> Police have found Dj. 'Mav' Friday dead. No other details have been released.

Colin Williams: (( well... when someone kills 2 guys in front of u... u defend yourself ))

Albert Johnson: (( Esentially 'You move I kill you' summerized ))

So now he says me saying "You move, I kill you" was powegaming. At this point, I thought it was Albert who said I killed two guys in front if him, so I'm going to skip that part where I was asking about what two guys I killed.

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( I dont see how a powergamed at all, actually ))

ACP Valerie 'Peany' Tuque: (( hot ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( I'm thinking about it ))

Ben 'Wolf' Linus: (( bukakke? ))

Albert Johnson: (( Zach you were like "If you move I kill you" ))

ACP Valerie 'Peany' Tuque: (( ye.. no ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( right... ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( IC ))

Ben 'Wolf' Linus: (( ha! ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( that's not powergaming... ))

Ben 'Wolf' Linus: (( you were thinking about it, peany ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( at all ))

ACP Valerie 'Peany' Tuque: (( lol ))

Albert Johnson: (( Basically you limited my roleplaying to sitting still and dying ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( right...but it was an IC statement ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( I aimed a gun at you, and told you not to move ))

Zach 'Sweeney' Martin: (( dont cops do that to people all the time?))

It was at more or less this point, he walked up to me,called me gay, and followed me up a ladder as I climbed onto a roof (I walk around aimlessly during ooc coversations) And he shot me dead. He left right after he put a bunch of rounds into me.

Even though he was a horrible RPer and DMed me, I am not posting this in the ban area because I dont think he should be banned. I believe that the PD should take appropritatte action, make sure detectives arent n00bs, and only hire the best for that kind of job.

Colin Williams can back me up on all of this, as can Tank Mccannon.

By the way, I heartily reccomend Tank for a promotion, he is pretty good :-D

Author:  KM Kitty [ 25 Mar 2009, 10:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

He shot you with a M4 he was carrying?

Author:  ChrisBerk [ 25 Mar 2009, 10:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

while i have not seen this sort of thing first hand, i do acknowledge that many members of the pd carry weapons above their limitations.
if you dont know what to carry read the Police Manual or Ask

Author:  Nervegas [ 25 Mar 2009, 11:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

Who the hell is albert johnson anyway?

Author:  KM Kitty [ 25 Mar 2009, 11:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

I was thinking that, too. He will be spoken to and dealt with.

Author:  TankMcCannon [ 25 Mar 2009, 13:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

George Stevenson.. He's a detective

Author:  KM Kitty [ 25 Mar 2009, 13:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.


Author:  khatool [ 25 Mar 2009, 14:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

No no no. Stevenson is the guy who put a knife in my face.
Although he might have changed his name.

Author:  Nervegas [ 25 Mar 2009, 14:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

Wait wait, did george leave after knifing you and then albert comes along, or did albert show up with george in the server?

Author:  khatool [ 25 Mar 2009, 14:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

First George left

Author:  TankMcCannon [ 25 Mar 2009, 14:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

Stevenson is a detective, he came back with the name Albert

Author:  Kami O' Joe [ 25 Mar 2009, 14:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

About the whole shooting you with an M4....yea I see way to many cops carrying guns like m4's, shotguns, and various smg's while on patrol. Where in the name of god are you going to hide your m4 (Which you're probably not allowed to use anyway)? If you're on patrol you should only carry a pistol, they're easy to realisticaly RP concealing or having in a holster. The only time someone should patrol with a heavier weapon is if they're patroling around in their car, in which case you could say you kept your gun in the trunk/gun-holder-thingy.

Also, of all people to carry around an M4, a detective is the least forgivable. A detective works primarily with solving crimes and going undercover...hard to go undercover with a police-issue rifle. I'm on the SWAT team....of all people I should be the one who might get away with carrying a heavy weapon with me, but I don't. I almost always just patrol with a pistol (I suck w/ rifles for some reason).

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 25 Mar 2009, 14:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

Amen, Kami!

Author:  KM Kitty [ 25 Mar 2009, 15:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

It will be taken care of. And if it is George, He should start looking for a new job.

Author:  Cobra [ 25 Mar 2009, 16:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

The knife was me, and I apologize, khatool.
Although I did have the knife out first, and you went and grabbed the usas off the wall. ;)

But the m4 thing wasn't me. Since becoming a detective I've been trying to go around with a glock20 and a five seven. However there was a large situation at the hotel that I went there with an m4.

Author:  khatool [ 25 Mar 2009, 17:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

Cobra wrote:
The knife was me, and I apologize, khatool.
Although I did have the knife out first, and you went and grabbed the usas off the wall. ;)

But the m4 thing wasn't me. Since becoming a detective I've been trying to go around with a glock20 and a five seven. However there was a large situation at the hotel that I went there with an m4.

Yeah, I was pretty sure it wasnt you.

I'm not too pissed about the knife thing, I was mostly just angry about it because RIGHT aftererwards, in coems Albert...

Author:  Nervegas [ 25 Mar 2009, 18:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

Are you 100% sure that Alberts job was listed as Detective? If so, I may have an idea who it was.

Author:  khatool [ 25 Mar 2009, 21:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

Nervegas wrote:
Are you 100% sure that Alberts job was listed as Detective? If so, I may have an idea who it was.


Author:  Gregor [ 25 Mar 2009, 21:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

khatool wrote:
Nervegas wrote:
Are you 100% sure that Alberts job was listed as Detective? If so, I may have an idea who it was.



Author:  VictorSimone [ 25 Mar 2009, 22:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

Kami O' Joe wrote:
About the whole shooting you with an M4....yea I see way to many cops carrying guns like m4's, shotguns, and various smg's while on patrol. Where in the name of god are you going to hide your m4 (Which you're probably not allowed to use anyway)? If you're on patrol you should only carry a pistol, they're easy to realisticaly RP concealing or having in a holster. The only time someone should patrol with a heavier weapon is if they're patroling around in their car, in which case you could say you kept your gun in the trunk/gun-holder-thingy.

Also, of all people to carry around an M4, a detective is the least forgivable. A detective works primarily with solving crimes and going undercover...hard to go undercover with a police-issue rifle. I'm on the SWAT team....of all people I should be the one who might get away with carrying a heavy weapon with me, but I don't. I almost always just patrol with a pistol (I suck w/ rifles for some reason).

And I may add, 97% of cops never use their guns unless at the firing range. It is EXTREMELY unrealistic for a police officer to even be carrying more than one pistol, let alone an assault rifle.

Author:  Jameson [ 26 Mar 2009, 11:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

VictorSimone wrote:
Kami O' Joe wrote:
And I may add, 97% of cops never use their guns unless at the firing range. It is EXTREMELY unrealistic for a police officer to even be carrying more than one pistol, let alone an assault rifle.
Actually, a lot of officers carry two handguns on duty (per dept. regulations).

Author:  VictorSimone [ 26 Mar 2009, 13:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

I wouldn't know, I just took a shot at the two pistol thing and hoped it would work.

...It didn't. .-.

Author:  Wake [ 26 Mar 2009, 13:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

Cops use the 2 pistol thing in real life incase they lose a gun or the suspect takes their gun.

Author:  khatool [ 27 Mar 2009, 10:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Pay closer attention.

Wake wrote:
Cops use the 2 pistol thing in real life incase they lose a gun or the suspect takes their gun.

"Have you ever fired two pistols while diving from an explosion?" "No"

Sorry, couldnt help it.
Still, even if he had an M4 tucked away, the problem is not so much that he had it, but more that he whipped it out.
Then, the biggest problem, and the reason I made this post in the first place, is that he DMed me and left.
DMing shows he does not have enough maturity to be a detective on this server, because he refused to A. admit he was wrong, B. apologize, C. take any reponsibility for it. D. If he legitmately thought he was right, he most certainly didnt argue very well, and had to resort to calling me names, shooting my avatar, and leaving.

George Stevenson apologized a few points up, showing that he has more maturity than many who DONT bury knives into my skull, because many good RPers (I'm guilty of this too, sometimes) get used to being the good RPer yelling at the bad RPer, that when they ARE the bad RPer in a certain scenario, they still think they did good, and will not admit they are wrong when they make a mistake.

I have been trying, as of late, to admit when I do something wrong, so if anybody catches me just being stubborn, I'd appreciatte it if you reminded me.

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