NukeSilo Community

Kei Sprague's Application into the PD
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Author:  Zurrag [ 19 Feb 2009, 21:03 ]
Post subject:  Kei Sprague's Application into the PD

Name: Kei Sprague
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:15212359
In-Game Phone Number:
Have you been a officer before?:Es
If Yes, Where, When, and What Rank(s): I've been through up to Senior officer, shortly was SWAT lead, Unknown Assisstant Director.
How long have you been Role-Playing: Like..6 Months on TSRP 2 Years on other games.
What Days/Times of the week can you be active: Everyday 3:00 central time to 9:00. (Unless I'm grounded)
Why I should select you for the job: I've been a cop several other times and lately I've only been crime. I want to go back to the force.
Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully:
Describe to me how you would deal with an armed 7/11 robber: Try to negotiate with the robber, then if that doesn't work try to taze and cuff him, without a gunfight.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window: Taze him, temp cuff him, ask him if he'd rather have the jail time or fine.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: I'd taze him/her. Ask for a liscence if they have none take them to jail, if they do give them back the weapon and tell them to keep it holstered.
Did you read the Police HandBook:Yes
Any other comments: If I get accepted, I'm wondering if it would be possible for me to use my robe model instead of the police uniform.

Author:  Wake [ 20 Feb 2009, 06:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kei Sprague's Application into the PD

You skipped a few fields but from what I've seen you're accepted. And I'll have to see the robe model first, we don't want cops who just came from the spa pointing guns at a diner robber now do we?

Author:  Zurrag [ 20 Feb 2009, 14:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kei Sprague's Application into the PD

Ah, shiet. I had Norman grab my number and forgot to put it on. And I was gonna do the How would you RP your job successfully when I did everything else, I guess I forgot though.

Author:  Mark Lee [ 27 Feb 2009, 08:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Kei Sprague's Application into the PD

Did you rush your app? After you got to the end, did you re-read your app to make sure you filled out everything?

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