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Quick question~Tackling?
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Author:  Kami O' Joe [ 09 Feb 2009, 18:42 ]
Post subject:  Quick question~Tackling?

Hey, I'm a recently promoted officer, and I was wondering...

How do I bind multiple actions and commands to a key?
The reason I ask this is primarily because there have been several instances where I'm chasing someone down and I'm close to them, I mean I'm right up their arse :D .

I'm close enough that I could cuff them on the run if I wanted to, but how unrealistic is that (lol, unless we get those australian bola things that you throw at peoples' feet and they wrap around their legs and trip 'em up)? I instead wish to bind a single key to say:

"/me tackles bad guy" (or something like that)

This way I could somewhat realisticaly act out tackling someone. There's no other way for me to stop someone running away from me (no money for tazer and they're overrated :lol: ) besides the /cuff command, but just cuffing someone is sorta gay. The only problem I see with this is that by binding tackle and cuff to the same key, I'm sorta taking for granted that if I tackle a suspect then they're going to be cuffed...this ignores the possibility of them somehow out-grappling me (judo ftw?) and escaping. What do ya think? And if you agree how do I bind my key to it?

Author:  perlov0 [ 09 Feb 2009, 20:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Quick question~Tackling?

bind key "say /me tackles some random dude; say /cuff"

I may have the spaces wrong, but all you do is add a semicolon between the commands you want it to do.

Author:  Crimson13 [ 09 Feb 2009, 21:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Quick question~Tackling?

That is how it's bound, but I wouldn't suggest doing it. Using "/me tackles you" can (and would probably) be considered powergaming. Best choice, get a tazer.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 09 Feb 2009, 22:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Quick question~Tackling?

The tazer should be a whole other bind itself. It IS a good idea to say that you're tackling the person, because if you're going to throw cuffs on them for a bad reason, you're already "powergaming". Also, the use of a tazer is overrated. How many cops use tazers in real life as liberally as people do in-game? Zero.

Author:  Wake [ 10 Feb 2009, 05:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Quick question~Tackling?

Maxwell Murder wrote:
The tazer should be a whole other bind itself. It IS a good idea to say that you're tackling the person, because if you're going to throw cuffs on them for a bad reason, you're already "powergaming". Also, the use of a tazer is overrated. How many cops use tazers in real life as liberally as people do in-game? Zero.

How many crooks run in real life as liberally as people do in-game? Zero.

You also have to take in the fact that these criminals are usually adults, while most TSRP players are teenagers.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 10 Feb 2009, 15:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Quick question~Tackling?

And their age has exactly what to do with the topic at hand? Also, point in case, if they are running, how likely is it that you would actually be able to nab them with a projectile tazer? The chances would not be very good. Guaranteed it's much easier to physically take someone down then to try to stun them with a projectile tazer. And, just to address the situation where a criminal actually did stand still, you would have the time to type "/me does such and such" and then "/cuff". So yes, go with the tackle bind, and no, the tazer is not needed.

Author:  Kami O' Joe [ 11 Feb 2009, 17:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Quick question~Tackling?

Ok, well I tried out the bind and it worked like a charm when I tested it one someone.

But when I was chasing a suspect and tried to tackle/cuff him it sorta failed :? . I'm gooing to keep trying this, but It's really hard to cuff/tackle someone while both of you are running.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 11 Feb 2009, 22:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Quick question~Tackling?

Exactly. That's how it should be. It should take a lot of practice to get good at it, as anything does.

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