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Gregory Brost's Re-application to the NCPD
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Author:  Gregoru3746 [ 02 Feb 2009, 21:23 ]
Post subject:  Gregory Brost's Re-application to the NCPD

Name: Gregory Brost
Steam ID:0:1:19845991
In-Game Phone Number:845991
Have you been a officer before?:Yes
If Yes, Where, When, and What Rank(s):Warrior's RP Server, A few weeks ago, Officer
How long have you been Role-Playing:About 6 months
What Days/Times of the week can you be active:Everyday after 4:00PM Mountain Time
Why I should select you for the job:Because I like to help out as much as possible, and I am very understanding.
Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully:Well.....By doing it properly. No random DMing, Arresting without a reason, and abusing rights.
Describe to me how you would deal with an armed 7/11 robber:I would start out by saying, "NCPD DROP YOUR WEAPON AND GET ON THE GROUND NOW!!" and continue arresting him. If he was armed and dosn't comply, I would then proceed to Tazer and arrest him/her.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window:Same as what I would do at the 7/11, but perhaps add, "AND DROP THE FOOD!" :)
Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: I would ask him to drop the gun, confiscate it momentarily, ask him for a permit, if he has one I would let him off with a warning and tell him not to have it drawn in public. If he didn't have a permit, I would bring him(Arrest Him), and the gun to the PD.
Did you read the NCPD Handbook:I didn't see anything called a handbook, but I did read the application format post thing.]
Any other comments: This is my re-application to the force, and I promice to do a better job this time.

Author:  Wake [ 03 Feb 2009, 05:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gregory Brost's Re-application to the NCPD

Okay, we'll try you out again as a rookie and see how you do. Ask one of the chiefs to hire you in game.

Author:  Mikhail Zhukov [ 03 Feb 2009, 06:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gregory Brost's Re-application to the NCPD

((i think the decision should be completely up to jameson))

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