NukeSilo Community

Application for Police Job For BLue Carter
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Author:  sheep [ 24 Jan 2009, 00:04 ]
Post subject:  Application for Police Job For BLue Carter

[b]Steam ID:STEAM_0 : 9009059 0 24:20 86 0

[b]In-Game Phone Number: I havent had a job to buy one but i notify u when i get money

[b]Have you been a officer before?:Yes

[b]If Yes, Where, When, and What Rank(s):
How long have you been Role-Playing: For about 1 year For about a while i was deputy chife and i was sergant many of times and less i was officer But i dont mind officer

[b]What Days/Times of the week can you be active : Mon-next mon- lol Im on all the time Unless i got some were to go

[b]Why I should select you for the job: because im a experienced cop before ive been it seense i started this game and i like to jail ppl and i never break a rule

[b]Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully: I will get my guns out of the open unless theres a shooting i dont arrest ppl for no reason i If needed and ect...

[b]Describe to me how you would deal with an armed 7/11 robber: i wouldnt rush in i would Say DROP UR GUNS AND COME OUT WID UR HANDS UP! if they do i tazer them incase of hidden weapons arrest and haul them to jail but if there is a shooting i try to arrest but i will kill him

[b]discribe to me how you would deal with some one breaking a window: i would arrest them so they wouldnt run away and make them pay a fine if they dont put them in jail for 2mins

[b]Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: I would first point my gun for any sudent movements and id say drop ur gun and if he didnt i try to tazer and arrest.

[b]Did you read the NCPD Handbook:yes i did

[b]Any other comments: It would be a honnor if i was offered a job to be a cop

Author:  Wake [ 24 Jan 2009, 07:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Application for Police Job For BLue Carter

Well... The app wasn't too good but contact me or Jameson in-game for an interview.

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