NukeSilo Community

Jim Frank's formal Application
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Author:  JimFrank [ 21 Jan 2009, 00:11 ]
Post subject:  Jim Frank's formal Application

Name: Jim Frank
Steam ID: (no idea)
In-Game Phone Number: 639311
Have you been a officer before?: I have yes. In many cities but I have been relocated many times because of so many hits put out on my head. Hope to start a new life in this lovely city.
If Yes, Where, When, and What Rank(s): I have been a Chief of Police in Mecklenburg, a Lt. in Mecklenburg, a Sgt. in Iburg, and a Cpt. in San Marino. (RSG, NukeSilo, RealRP, I forget the last one)
How long have you been Role-Playing: I have been RPing for about 4 years now.
What Days/Times of the week can you be active: I can be active almost daily except for Monday-Wednesday because I am starting EMT training in real life.
Why I should select you for the job: Because I am a great RPer and I have many people who can attest to my abilities as an officer of the law in TS.
Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully: I will RP robberies and any situation well. I will issue warnings to criminals before I open fire, and I will listen to the demands and threats of all criminals before making any decision.
Describe to me how you would deal with an armed 7/11 robber: I would shout warnings, then proceed to take evasive action where nobody gets harmed except the robber, but only small damage to the criminal so we can take him to jail.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window: I would issue them a ticket or fine to the cost of the window, and if there is a second offense, I would fine them and then take them to jail for an undetermined period of time.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: I would draw my weapon for defense purposes, then proceed to ask them to put the gun away. Once that is done, I would fine them accordingly and on the second offense I would dispose of the weapon and then fine them and then proceed to jail them to a time depending on the harshness of the crime.
Did you read the NCPD Handbook:] I have.
Any other comments: Most of the admins and great RPers on this server have played with me before and know that I strive for excellent RP and cannot tolerate anything but almost perfect RP.

Author:  Wake [ 21 Jan 2009, 05:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jim Frank's formal Application

Accepted, see me or Jameson in game.

Author:  Jameson [ 21 Jan 2009, 08:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jim Frank's formal Application


Welcome back!

Author:  JimFrank [ 21 Jan 2009, 17:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jim Frank's formal Application

Thank you sirs. I cannot wait until I can start RPing again.

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