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Max Tangergone's NCPD app.
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Author:  Max Tangergone [ 07 Nov 2008, 18:06 ]
Post subject:  Max Tangergone's NCPD app.

Name: Max Tangergone

Steam ID:

Have you been a officer before?:Tons.

If Yes, Where and When:
Razenger | A long time ago, its closed now.
Zephrygaming | I still am.
Countless servers in the source game Garrysmod.

How long have you been Role-Playing: Approximately 3 years now.

What Days/Times of the week can you be active: Anytime during the weekend.

Why I should select you for the job: I have an enormous amount of experience in both citizen, a doctor, and a cop. I also have experience in SWAT, not in this server though. I am an extremely good police officer, I have good judgement, and I know all of the various binds for a cop such as /tazer, /cuff, /com, and appropriate shouting binds.

Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully: My method of being a cop is using negotiation as a first resort. If the criminal does not comply, I will resort to tazing, and maybe cuffing, depending on the crime. And even jail them if they committed a crime worthy of it. Shooting is my last resort, I am not a trigger happy cop.

Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber:
This is how I would deal with an armed 7/11 robbery.
I receive a message from dispatch saying that there is an armed 7/11 robbery, I respond to it by rushing over there, top priority. When I get there, I try to negotiate with the robber.
"Sir, we can work this out, just don't hurt anyone!" The robber responds to it, disagreeing with what we want.
"If you step one foot in here, I'll cap your asses, now I want 10,000 dollars or I'm filling this place with lead!" I take a brief case, pretending there is money in it, I walk into the store with my back to the robber, and drop the briefcase. When I hear him pick it up, I take evasive action by turning around and tazing him with the concealed tazer that was on the front side of my body. I cuff him, take him to jail, give him the fines he deserves, and carry on with my patrol.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window:
I would chase him, telling at him to stop where he is. If he stops, I tell him it is vandalism to break windows that are not yours, and give him the fine, and continue my patrol.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: I would be careful aproching him, making sure he does not fire at me, then I attempt to tazer him, see if he has a license, and give him the fine he deserves, and if he has a license, then I hand back the gun and tell him next time, I'm taking the gun. (Please tell me if I'm supposed to confiscate the gun or not.)

Any other comments: Please accept me into the NCPD, I will be a great add on to the department, and I am willing to learn all of the codes.

Author:  Wake [ 07 Nov 2008, 19:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Max Tangergone's NCPD app.

Forgot the Steam ID but that doesn't really matter. Good application, see me in-game for an interview.

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