NukeSilo Community

Salung Yamashita's Application
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Author:  Zevil23 [ 01 Nov 2008, 10:17 ]
Post subject:  Salung Yamashita's Application

Name:[John Train]
RP Name:[Salung Yamashita]
Steam ID:[STEAM_0:1:6152722006:15400]
Have you been a officer before:[yes]
If Yes, Where, When:[On multiple RP servers, such as Bishop's, Zephyr's and Good old mecklenburg. Nirvana city, Augsburg city, Mecklenburg and Iburg.]
How long have you been role-playing:[ever since i got TS-about four years]
What Days/Times of the week can you be active:[Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.]
Why I should select you for the job:[Because i like this server alot, and i believe that it deserves good players and more recognition. I want to help clean up the streets.]
Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully:[example:a armed robber is in a store, robbing the place. I arrive on the scene, and try to coax the robber to surrender. He fires a shot, which signals he is hostile and will not negotiate. Then, we have no choice but to open fire on him.]
Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber:[Attempt to convince the robber to surrender, and ask why they were robbing. If they refused to surrender or anything, i would attempt to take them without violence. If required, i would call for backup. I would not do anything til i got an order from a higher authority.]
Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public:[I would tell them to put it away, and to see their license. If violence erupted, i would attempt to prevent any citizens from being harmed, and tazer the culprit. After this, i would cuff them and await backup, and orders from a higher-ranked officer.]
Any other comments:[no.]

Author:  Wake [ 01 Nov 2008, 11:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Salung Yamashita's Application

Hmm... Fair application. I'll check your RP skill in game.

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