NukeSilo Community

Jason 'Puma' Turner's Application
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Author:  xpumax [ 29 Oct 2008, 18:14 ]
Post subject:  Jason 'Puma' Turner's Application

Jason Turner
RP Name:
Jason 'Puma' Turner
Steam ID:
Have you been a officer before:
If Yes, Where, When:
I've been playing this game on and off due to time constrictions, but Ive managed to make the PD every time I apply for it. I have never been declined a position and people on the server complemented me on a job well done. Highest ranking PD was SWAT commander. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the server names, as it has been about 6 months since my last play.
How long have you been role-playing:
In total, I would say 5 years, so I have quite some experience under my belt.
What Days/Times of the week can you be active:
I would be available almost every weekday and weekend, I LOVE to RP.
Why I should select you for the job:
I have a lot of RP experience under my belt, I have been RPing for quite a while AND I have previously been an officer/SWAT, meaning I could be a viable asset to your department. Something about this game just draws me back to it, the whole RP experience is thrilling and I havent been able to find games that have the freedom and modding quite like this one. I'm a fun, friendly, and fair guy who I know will not screw up. Also, I have had numerous PD and SWAT training moments in-game, so I'm ready to RP any situation.
Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully:
In order to act as a good cop, you must think like one. This means that you CANNOT abuse your power and rush cuff, because that will make for a terrible RP. I would always assess the situation in a logical way, not one that would benefit me and only me. Sometimes it doesn't always work out in the cop's favor, but thats O.K. as long as the RP was magnificent. The game is not designed around cops, its designed around the experience as a whole.
Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber:
I would begin by asking the criminal to either drop their weapons or surrender and come out calmly. Depending what they would do from there, chances are I would call back up on the COM radio and would have to make logical decisions and take into account if there are hostages, weak points, etc. If I did not have an officer of higher power telling me what to do or if I was the highest power, I would make sure that I would give the criminal several fair chances to exit in an orderly manner. Depending on how risky the criminal is along with his motives, I would either have to position myself with a clean shot, or possibly cope with a ransom. Again, it all depends on each situation.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window:
I would instantly yell at them to get on the ground, and draw my weapon in case they had one concealed. If they decide to cope, I would then proceed to pat the criminal, along with cuffing them and taking them to jail for further assessment. The robbers motive is key here. For if they begin running, I would signal on the com where they were heading, and I would then proceed to chase after him. Once I was in range, I would most likely use my tazer in order to slow him down and allow justice to be served.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public:
I would approach them softly, ask for them to show me their license, and kindly tell them to put their gun away, due to that being against the law. If they refuse, I would proceed to ask them several times over again, hoping that they would comply. If they still refused, then I would have no choice but to confiscate the weapon, take it to the PD and allow them to assess the situation, most likely taking him to court.
Any other comments:
I'm sure I'd be the greatest asset to your PD department, as I have had training, know how to RP, and can fit in any position, whether it being the Rookie Cop, or the Commander of the SWAT. I even use my real name to get a better feel of the game and immerse myself into the experience even more. My RP experiences are too many to count, so please pick me!

Author:  Wake [ 29 Oct 2008, 18:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason 'Puma' Turner's Application

Looks like a good application to me. I'll interview him some time in game to find out his RP skills.

Edit: Interviewed him, and he passed. He has great skill, and showed a lot of emotion and stuff. Hire him if possible.

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