NukeSilo Community

John Delgado's Application
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Author:  johndelgado [ 27 Oct 2008, 16:58 ]
Post subject:  John Delgado's Application

Bart Lopez:
John 'Fornitore' Delgado:
I played two years ago and then stopped and would like to start again:
monday through saturday, usually in the afternoon/evening:
To have one more person to keep the peace on the server and add flavor to the RP environment:
I will handle any criminal situation with the least amount of force possible, doing all necessary to keep citizens safe:
First, try and talk them out of robbing the 7/11, find out why they feel the need, offer them solutions, become friend of the robber. Then, when the time is right i would tazer and cuff the robber, dealing with the potential threat and put them in jail for an appropriate amount of time, helping if possible after their jail time to readjust them to society
First a verbal warning and a small fine, if that does not work, a stronger warning and if ignored i would need to bring them to jail for the appropriate time.
First, disable the person so that threat does not escalate, then ask for their license, if there is no license i would confiscate the gun and assign a fine.
Thank you for the opportunity to apply for the NCPD, hopefully you will consider and accept me for this fine force:

Author:  Jamon Tyler [ 27 Oct 2008, 17:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: John Delgado's Application

I just rped an MD situation. Too make a long story short he did an amazing job. He seems experienced, and i think he would be capable of any job. So i support him for joining the PD.

Author:  Jameson [ 27 Oct 2008, 17:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: John Delgado's Application

He's been hired.

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