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thegoku123 PD application(give me another chance please!)
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Author:  thegoku123 [ 26 Oct 2008, 20:20 ]
Post subject:  thegoku123 PD application(give me another chance please!)

Name: Cross

RP Name: Gorden Michigan

Steam ID: STEAM_0:18523655

Have you been a officer before: No, but I am willing to learn and have recently been tought how to rp a little better, give me another chance please.

If Yes, Where, When:

How long have you been role-playing: I have been roleplaying for a few weeks now, and I think I can really roleplay properly and I know what powergaming, metagaming, NLR, and DMing are.

What Days/Times of the week can you be active: Any day, available 8 hours a day. May vary slightly.

Why I should select you for the job: I should be chosen for being an EXPLORER in the police department because I can roleplay well in law enforcement. I know all of the police binds /cuff, /tazer, /com, and appropriate shouting binds.

Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully: I know not to rush cuff. I know when to shoot who, and I have good aim.

Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber:
here is how I would deal with an armed 7/11 robbery.
I receive a call from an officer reporting an armed robbery in at 7/11. The man has a hostage so I rush over with my standard five seven pistol. When I arrive I hear a lot of shouting form the robber and screaming from the hostage. The gun is pointed at the hostages head, and the robber is demanding $5,000.
I shout "Come out quietly, we don't need to hurt anyone here!"
The robber replies "Get back, Ill blow her brains out if you come any closer!"
I say "We will send in an unarmed negotiator, just don't shoot!"
The robber says "He better not be, if I see anything, I'll cap his ass!"
I walk into the 7/11, hands in the air, facing away from the robber, I drop a bag. The robber thinks there is money in the bag so he takes it, the bag is to heavy for one hand so he uses both hands. When he is distracted by the bag, I take out the tazer that he was unable to see because I wasn't facing him, and I hit him with 2 darts. He falls to the ground, dropping his pistol and the bag filled with rocks. I put on his handcuffs and confiscate the weapon.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window:
I would yell out "Hey you, stop right there!"
He stops, wondering why I called him. I tell him "sir, do you realize that breaking windows is a $50 dollar fine?"
He says "Um, no..." playing innocent.
I say "Well that is too bad, laws are laws. I don't make them, I enforce them.
I give him the $50 dollar fine, he accepts it and I carry on with my patrol.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public:
I would take the gun away from him, telling him it is illegal to have a firearm exposed in public. I take his gun and continue my duties.

Any other comments: Please accept me this time, I lied last time because I thought it would increase my chances of being accepted. Not anticipating the consequences of lying to you. I humbly accept any punishment necessary for my doings.

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