NukeSilo Community

Fresca's Application for NCPD
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Author:  Fresca1 [ 25 Oct 2008, 18:54 ]
Post subject:  Fresca's Application for NCPD

Name-Fresca *RL-Josh*
RP Name-Fresca Reed
Steam Id-STEAM_0:1:17351983
Have I been an officer- No ='(
How long have I been RPing- I have been RPing for 2 months but I stopped and took a break and i just started RPing again.
The days and times i can be active-I can be active anytime really. I will stay up later on the weekends.
Why should I pick you for the job?-You should pick me to be in the PD because I love RPing and hate it when the bad guy gets away. 8)
How I will RP my job as a cop successfully- I will follow all the laws and confront people not following the laws.
How I would deal with a 7/11 robber- I would pull out my fun and tell him to freeze. If I did not get a reply or if I got a negative reply I would fire a warning shot. Then if the robber still wasn't giving in I would tazzer him and cuff him. Then put him in jail.
How I would deal with someone breaking the diner window- I would cuff him and ask him not to break the window and let him off with a warning. If he continued to break the windows I would cuff him and take him to jail.
How I would deal with someone having a gun out in public-If someone had a gun out in public I would ask him to put it away and ask him for the gun license.
Comments- I have been playing on the NukeSiloRP sever the last few days and I have not yet seen a Police Officer on.

Author:  Jameson [ 26 Oct 2008, 15:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fresca's Application for NCPD

See me in game

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