NukeSilo Community

Report Good/Bad Cops here
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Author:  Silvia [ 16 Feb 2009, 09:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

Yeah, But they didn't tell anyone at all what was going on. If they told the people why to not come in it would have made much more sense.

Author:  Mikhail Zhukov [ 16 Feb 2009, 13:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

Ok on the subject of the report with like 4 cops involved, I was masked in the PD and I handed one of them a note saying, if anyone enters or leaves the PD then I detonate the bomb. What I saw is people blatantly trying to get past the two armed officer at the door shouting for their lives for you guys to leave.

Author:  Wake [ 16 Feb 2009, 14:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

I myself was there for a short bit of time and -did- see the mentioned cops telling people to go away.

Author:  Gregor [ 16 Feb 2009, 21:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

Silvia wrote:
RP Name of cop: Sgt. Nikolai Isako, SWAT Rookie Nick Tyrone, Gregor 'Ben' Allen, Officer Jason Upton
Good or bad: Horrible
Describe the situation: I dont know what was going on but all you saw was

"<NEWSFLASH> - Sgt. Nikolai Isakov: (( Anyone not authorized by the pd who is in the precinct, will be detained or shot )

<NEWSFLASH> - Sgt. Nikolai Isakov: (( Now, anyone not authorized will be shot ))

<NEWSFLASH> - Sgt. Nikolai Isakov: (( // STAY THE f**k OUT OF THE PD )
There is Nikolai's.
At this point they all had either killed multiple people or in Ben's case allowed all this DMing and horrible RPing. In real life you cant kill someone for walking into a police departments lobby unless they have a weapon in hand.
For this post I tried getting the names ooc of all of them from outside the PD, where I was killed, the next time this is what I got-

Cpt. Gregor 'Ben' Allen: // you died, stay the f**k out

Officer Hunter 'Jager' Himmel: sir!

Heikki 'Soap' Kovalainen: //whos in there ?

Officer Hunter 'Jager' Himmel: Do you have a license?

imalastso Johansson: no

Cpt. Gregor 'Ben' Allen: // not telling

<NEWSALERT> Police have found Tristan Riordon dead. No other details have been released

Officer Hunter 'Jager' Himmel: Then the Bail is 500 $

Heikki 'Soap' Kovalainen: //You nikolai jason

Heikki 'Soap' Kovalainen: //whos the swat ?

Sgt. Nikolai Isakov: No

Sgt. Nikolai Isakov: No arrests

Lieutenant X. Fox: MOVE

Heikki 'Soap' Kovalainen: //and tyron

Cpt. Gregor 'Ben' Allen: // now as i said, get out you died"

Obviously in Bens case this shouldnt happen cuz he is an admin but he let it go on for a while and joined in. All that happened is blatant DMing and disregard for the rules.

Any other comments: This seriously is the worst "RP" with the police department I have ever seen and something/someone really needs to be punished for it.

If people learn to read cnn's things like this would be fine, if idiots want to ignore it then its their own fault. I did however tell zhukov to not try it again, (He told me it worked on another server, obviously it failed here.)

EDIT: RP Name of cop: Officer Jason Upton
Good or bad: bad
After a hostage situation he was magically able to tell that deebz/tristan were the ppl even though they got away and took off the masks (they were masked during the thing) then proceeded to lead a breaching on the hotel until they were found. (more or less deebz went down fighting, i showed saying i suspected metagame and he let tristan go and have his gun back; tristan promptly showered him with lead for his "rp")

Author:  Bloodstruck7 [ 16 Feb 2009, 22:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

It was so RP >:O

Author:  James_Vincetti [ 17 Feb 2009, 15:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

RP Name of cop: Lieutenant Nikolai Isakov

Good or bad: Rookie Style Bad

Describe the situation: I was robbing the 7/11, with my deagle out, and he runs up to the window and smashes it. Immediately, he tasered me. Then he cuffed me, and ran off after some guy stole my gun. I was alone. So, like anyone else that was cuffed and alone, I started running (walking) away. Then, another officer came and secured me in the street. After that, the server crashed.

EDIT: I was robbing the 7/11 in a different character.

Author:  yioming [ 17 Feb 2009, 22:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

Thats bull s*it i Cnn'd it saying there was a bomb threat in the pd and people entering will be shot at

Author:  yioming [ 17 Feb 2009, 22:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

On that subject vincetti, i left to go to the bathroom and foolishly let my bro play, 10000000 apologies dude.

Author:  Wake [ 18 Feb 2009, 05:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

But how would your brother know the tazer/cuff binds?

Author:  ChrisBerk [ 28 Feb 2009, 23:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

RP Name of cop:rookie don williams
Good or bad:bad
Describe the situation:shooting unarmed civilians in the police station
Any other comments:

RP Name of cop:joseph swatts
Good or bad:bad
Describe the situation:same thing as dan killing unarmed civilians with sub machine gun in police department
Any other comments:

Author:  LolQuite [ 01 Mar 2009, 01:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

Actually, we were RPing that there had been a zombie attack, and said unarmed civilians were zombies coming in to kill us. We would have explained it to you, but as I recall, you were in fact running around the city killing anyone in sight. If not, my apologies, just ask next time.

Author:  Gregor [ 01 Mar 2009, 09:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

zombie rp... I believe we Aren't supposed to do those :s

Author:  ChrisBerk [ 01 Mar 2009, 09:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here


Author:  Gregor [ 01 Mar 2009, 10:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

ChrisBerk wrote:

alright... Now in english.

Author:  ChrisBerk [ 01 Mar 2009, 11:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

if i believe correctly i left with no kills and was killed by mentally insane fire from those 2

Author:  LolQuite [ 01 Mar 2009, 15:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

Thank you for being an arse about it. I apologized and explained myself and I can't see much else I can do for you.
The only people that came into the PD flew up to the windows and jumped around on them, so we assumed they were RPing.
And I thought we were allowed to as long as it was actually RP. We had pretty much everyone on the server agree and warned anyone logging on so we figured it was okay. Anyone that asked not to be part of it we left alone.

Author:  Maxwell Murder [ 03 Mar 2009, 21:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

"Zombie" Scenarios were only allowed, previously, when an admin, preferably a manager, agreed to host it. They also had an entire unique set of rules accompanying them, much like the gang war rules. But, these scenarios may have been abolished altogether on the server.

Author:  TehOne1 [ 06 Mar 2009, 18:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

Looks like its yours time now snooker :)

RP Name of cop: Fox "The Fox" FUrry
Good or bad: Bad, very bad.
Describe the situation: There was a robbery going on at the bank and the cops we're yelling "all civilians leave the area now!!" and as i had just arrived at the scene, i slowly walked out of the diner that i was in, and like 2-3 seconds after i had took a step out of the diner, our dearest fox comes with a M4 riffle in hes hands and cuffs 2 civilians who stand next to me, so i thought "if i walk inside the diner (out of crime scene) again then maybe he wont cuff me anyway" but he did! he ran all what he could (leaving the crime scene = hes duty) and followed me into the cornor of the diner and cuffed me, so i yelled at him "Uncuff me now! or i will sue you ->> (Im a Lawyer)" and then he turned around and looked at me for a sec, and BAM he shot me death while i was cuffed with hes M4 riffle, without warning shot - warn me by message or anything at all.

Any other comments: (Totally bad rp from hes side, i understand if he was abid piss'd or stressed out because of the situaration but still a very bad action from hes side).

Simply wanted to tell about this scene so other peoples are aware of it, no hard feelings :D

Author:  Zurrag [ 07 Mar 2009, 15:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

1. You fail.

2. SNuker and Fox are two differen't people.

3. fox isn't a cop.

Author:  KM Kitty [ 07 Mar 2009, 15:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

Maxwell Murder wrote:
"Zombie" Scenarios were only allowed, previously, when an admin, preferably a manager, agreed to host it. They also had an entire unique set of rules accompanying them, much like the gang war rules. But, these scenarios may have been abolished altogether on the server.

Whats a new person going to do when they play this "zombie" game then come back later? If anyone would like to have this please play on the DM server :)

Author:  TehOne1 [ 07 Mar 2009, 17:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

Zurrag wrote:
1. You fail.

2. SNuker and Fox are two differen't people.

3. fox isn't a cop.

1. No i dont, obiviously you fail since you havent understood a thing i just wrote.

2. Ok im sorry, i ment SNUUuuker , sorry my bad.

3. Doesnt change the fact that happend here. I understand that hes a high ranked admin but what i DONT understand is that you advertise so much about you need to do good rp or instant ban but you got so weak symbols from some of the admins sides like they dont care at all. Many people dont even know what good rp is, because they look at the admins and copycat how they rp because they think they are the smart ones, but many admins arent... SNUker here is a good exampel in this case... anybody can follow me here ? or is the carecup empty again.

Today i got fired from my PD job, because the 3 cops said that they "knew" that i had made personal buisness of some kind with the mafia while on duty. This is a lie, i have never done such thing in the whole time i've been playing on the server, but you know.. 3 against 1 -- no chances, i dident even get to defend my case even as i am educated lawyer (ingame) wake just declared "NO CASE! YOUR FIRED" and went afk.... well...uhm....great?

Author:  Wake [ 07 Mar 2009, 18:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

All the people who informed me of your working with the mafia also said you opened the armory for them to take guns, which is considered a bannable offense on some servers. The people who told me also are very experienced and I see no reason why they would lie to me, because right now I don't know if you're lying either.

Author:  Ryu Capo [ 07 Mar 2009, 20:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

i would like to report kayla "kitty" for rush cuffing me on the street where i was just running

i came out of pd where i had just talked to some random guy, ran down the street and passed kayla standing with a shotgun. seconds after she runs up in front of me and cuffs me. i then went to the PD and she came there, first she shot a guy, then she wanted me to go into a cell and i kept asking "why" "and why did i get cuffed in the first place" to both the officer and to kayla "kitty". she ended up "accidentaly" locking me into that hearing room where she said that she told the officer i was in there but she didnt the next thing she did was to go arrest someone else who was standing in the PD waiting room who had been there longer than me just standing there. and by the fact that nobody else than kayla "kitty" knew i was in there and she was obviously buzy rush cuffing and random arresting i retried to find myself banned for


i was like WTF! why would i get banned for that when i in the first place got rush cuffed and didnt do anĂ¿thing, got locked into a room which only PD members had access to and still being cuffed and not being able to get out, nobody knowing i was in there but kayla and she was buzy rush cuffing and random arresting

Author:  KM Kitty [ 07 Mar 2009, 20:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

I was walking by I got a call "Need backup at gunshop". You were already cuffed! And was going to take you in but you didn't listen and wandered off. Then when I actually got you back to the cells you didnt listen to me but you went in a interrogation room. I closed the door and told Cap'n you were in there and left. Then you left and got banned because you resisted before and just didnt go to the jail cell. Dont blame anyone but yourself. Just listen next time.

You know what, There could have been better communication between you to me. You didnt try to explain why you were cuffed and just said uncuff me and stuff. I was just going off the little bit of info I had, just trying my best.

Author:  Cobra [ 07 Mar 2009, 21:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Report Good/Bad Cops here

Rhombus is a good undercover cop / detective.

He's awesome.

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