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 Post subject: RockerFox's OfficerApp
PostPosted: 31 Oct 2009, 18:56 
Community Admin

Joined: 30 Oct 2009, 20:07
Posts: 2
Location: Canada
Name: Rockie "RockerFox" Philips

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:16661447

Have you been a police officer before?: no, can't remember.

If Yes, Where, When, and What Rank(s): N/A

Any previous arrests: none

If Yes, Where, When, and Why: N/A

How long have you been Role-Playing: 2 years

What Days/Times of the week can you be active: Monday to Thursday around 4:00pm est-7pm, Friday to Saturday 2pm-11pm

Why I should select you for the job: I may not have been around very long but I get the general idea of Rp and feel that you could use my skills as a police officer

Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully:By using good judgment, common sense and following the NCPD handbook

Describe to me how you would deal with an armed 7/11 robber: I would find cover near the 7/11 and call in a code 20 or 30, or 43 (depending on armament of the suspect, hostages, ect) along with a description of the suspect if i can see him him or her. I would try to make verbal communication with the suspect. After I would keep any civilians away from the area until backup arrived. Once they arrived the commanding officer can takeover operations and decide how to proceed from there. If I was the highest ranking at the scene I would have the other officers cover the windows and doors as we try to talk the robber out. If he surrenders then we we would tell him to drop his weapon and get on the ground. We would then slowly approach, guns drawn and cover the suspect while one officer cuffed them.We would then escort him to jail. If he started to open fire then i would have no choice but to return.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window: If the suspect doesn't flee I would command him to stay there and would question him or her, followed by a fine. If he starts to run I would ask them to stop and if they continued, I would pursue on foot and call for backup to cut him or her off at X location. I would only use the tazer if we could not catch up with the suspect and all else failed. The suspect would then be forcefully cuffed and booked for breaking the window.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: I would pull my gun ask the person to put it away and try to calm them down. If they put it away then I would restrain them and then escort them to jail and sort out what weapon it was and what penalties should be applied. I would call for backup, mentioning the weapon they are using and what sate of mind he is in if the person refused to put it away. Once backup arrived we would use caution in bringing the suspect in. If he fled then i would call in a 10-80F on a armed suspect. I would then use caution in pursuit and coordinate with any backup.

Did you read the Police HandBook: Yes

Any other comments: Reach me at if needed

INSANITY: Its fun when the straitjacket isn't to tight

PostPosted: 31 Oct 2009, 19:57 
Nuke | Medium Poster

Joined: 21 Mar 2008, 09:11
Posts: 147
Ok... um, even though my thoughts don't count for anything, Jameson, he's good. He even knows codes :o and well, ncpd is kinda dead, along with the rest of the server. So yeah.....

Name: Tristan 'The Saint' Riordon
Job: NCPD Assistant Chief

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2009, 13:55 
Nuke | Medium Poster

Joined: 21 Mar 2008, 09:11
Posts: 147
My comments now do count for something. Accepted. Whens a good tim e to meet you in-game?

Name: Tristan 'The Saint' Riordon
Job: NCPD Assistant Chief

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2009, 19:51 
Community Admin

Joined: 30 Oct 2009, 20:07
Posts: 2
Location: Canada
ill be in soon, its almost 9 est so if that's ok

INSANITY: Its fun when the straitjacket isn't to tight

PostPosted: 06 Nov 2009, 17:11 
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Joined: 03 Dec 2004, 21:05
Posts: 1913
Location: Fallbrook, CA
He's good.


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