Seriously guys, we need more people to donate to Nukesilo. Too few are carrying the burdon. If each of us would kick in $5 every other month, it would make it alot easier on those who have provided us with this server for so long. As it is, there is no telling how long the server will stay up at this rate.
So do your part, bite the bullet a lil. If you are a kid, ask your parents, explain to them how secure paypal is, it isn't hard.
Do the right thing, do donations!

Two hours later Shultz still wondering about the night befor called up his drinking buddy Katamari and asked what happen,although katamaris speech was slurred due to being hung over shultz could still make out some of it,"durrr we weresz at teh bar and teh fat hoe be looking up at you and she be saying sumethin bout darts and indians scalpen mexicans"