Party On Earthen Ring...Party On.
A WoW New Years Free Booze and cheep women!
Me at the Keg Taking my last sip of the Mug!
Filling Up at one of the Kegs!
Relaxing before the Big part of the party!
Now that is a party!
Going into the Hotel for some sleep before the New year arrives!
Some Drunk Passed out Bum in my bed! I guess I better find another.
Passed out in a giant bed...
Now that I got my Sleep I headed out to watch the fireowkrs they where going off once every hour intill Midnight when the Major Fireworks where gana blow.
Now That I saw some fireworks on the outskirts of town Im back in the party for some nightlife and a little wine.
I found this too Girls and they where doing a wonderfull dance routine!
After seeing this dance I met First person with one of the dancers to talk about how the party was going and how she was doing.
She Told me how She was ahving a great time but would rather have the part in a place called winterspring where the view is fantastic
After all the exitment I went down to the Tavern to see if anyone was around.
The tavern was empty all but the barmaid and a few drunk bums.
I Grabbed a quick Drink and decided to head out back to the new Years party raging on down the street.