I am now proposing Sexual Laws, as promised. ((The victim can choose to press charges for these, for example, if you slapped your girlfriend's ass it isn't sexual harassment. Maybe a '/lawssexual'.))
Sexual Harassment
What is it: Sexual Harassing the same/opposite sex.
Examples: Smacking a girl's butt.
How Much Time in Jail: 1 Minute
Mandatory Fee: $100 (Or add 1 minute)
Bail: $200
What is it: The rape of a person(s).
Examples: Raping a person.
How Much Time in Jail: 7 Minutes
Mandatory Fee: N/A
Bail: N/A
What is it: Being a prostitute or hiring a prostitute.
Examples: Having sex with a person for money.
How Much Time in Jail: 2 Minutes
Mandatory Fee: N/A
Bail: $200