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PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009, 16:33 
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Joined: 04 Mar 2009, 18:35
Posts: 32
In Game Name:
* Example. No name yet.

Steam ID:
* Will Edit.

RP Exp:
* I have a lot of Rp Exp, playing Rps games all the way down to the old UO. My Rp exp on TSRP since, TSRP came out.

Org. Name:
* Nuke City Supreme Court

* Chief Justice – 100$ -
The Chief Justice is the head of the court system(s) and laws of the server, and the chief judge of the Supreme Court. He is one of “x amount” Supreme Court justices; the other “x amount” are the Associate Justices of the Court .
The Chief Justice is the highest judicial officer in the country. He acts as a chief administrative officer for the federal courts and appoints high officials of the city. He also serves as a spokesman, taking on some responsibilities as appearing before the Server Admins to advocate for higher pay for high officials. Over all, he is after all the head man and will be at the top. The Court has planned to expand a great influence through out the city, making sure there is no corruption, which will allow for to achieve success.
The Chief Justice leads the business of the Supreme Court. In the case of an firing, or impeachment, of a higher official, which will occur, the Chief Justice presides over it. He, the Chief Justice, also has the duty of administering the oath of office of the head Police State and Medical Department, but this is not required.

*Associate Justice - 90$ -
Associate Justices are members of the Supreme Court, and currently set at the total of five.
Each one of the Justices has a single vote in deciding the cases argued before it, thus however, in drafting opinions and ideals, the Chief Justice enjoys additional influence in case disposition if in the majority through his power to assign who writes the opinion. Associate Justices, will be thoroughly briefed on all the information and city matters as well, he will also make a decision, but will more likely be thought over by the Chief Justice. Thus, thy Justice is relied on frequently for little less, but he will be constantly thinking of ways to find a way to expand ideals, laws, and other such things more efficiently.

Why I'd Make a Org Gang Leader:
* I lead many organizations from Head of the MD in M7x, to the once Lead Senior Officer of this very Server. Not only did I just lead, I lead tons more. I have the Rp exp, that I need to over come great odds that will come in my path. I have the Rp exp to lead this type of organization. I’d also make a good gang leader because I’m trustavey, You can count on me to bring people to this RP server and to bring great and heroic Rp stories. You should have little worries of problems from this organization, and if so, I will take care of the problem.

Home city:
Iburg/ Nuke City

What would your org normally do on a daily basis?:
* My organization on a daily basis will do a lot of things, some of these things are:
-Set up ideas/ideals of laws
-Legislate laws/policy
-Over look the city
-Over look PD/MD
-Rule over cases
-More to come

Requested property for the organization?:
* Whatever fits best

Any other relevant details:
How it started:
* Founded by “name here“, a young white educated man; he moved from the city of Iburg where he endured many court related cases and lots of other law related subjects. He finally moved at the age of 35, he moved to the city of Nuke City thinking that all of the gang related matter he has escaped from when moving, little did he know that it was just as bad as his hometown. He wanted to act on this. He watched as the gangs and large crime organizations were doing there small time work and getting the job done. He thought to himself, maybe with such a background of mine I can create an efficient Court system to rule the city and destroy the scum.

What the Supreme Court really is:
* The Supreme Court originated as a synonym for Law/Rules Group. It’s the highest judicial body in the city, and leads the judiciary. It consists of the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices, who are nominated by the Chief Justice and other high officials and confirmed by their “advice and consent”. Once appointed, Justices effectively have life tenure, serving "during good and honest Behavior," which terminates only upon death, resignation, retirement, or conviction/trial on impeachment. The Supreme Court is primarily, but high appellate court, but has original jurisdiction over a small range of cases.

These job titles do not explicitly grant the Supreme Court the power of law/rules; nevertheless, the power of the Supreme Court to overturn laws and executive actions it deems unlawful or "unconstitutional" is a being well established precedent of balance power(s). It's therefore belongs to them to ascertain its meaning, as well as the meaning of any particular act proceeding from law/rule body. If there should happen to be an body of error or errors variance between the two, that which has the superior obligation and validity ought, of course, to be preferred - or - in other words, the Supreme law ought to be preferred to the statute, consummating the system of balances. This power allows judges to have the last word on allocation of authority among government, which grants them the ability to set bounds to their own authority, as well as to their immunity from outside checks and balances. (This does not mean the Justices can power hog, and do w/e they like)
The Supreme Court cannot directly enforce its rulings, instead, it relies on respect for the Constitution and for the law for adherence to its judgments. Some argue that the Supreme court is "the most separated and least checked of all branches of government. Justices are not required to stand for election by virtue of their tenure "during good behaviour," and their pay may "not be diminished" while they hold their Though subject to the process of impeachment. Also, the Supreme Court is not immune from political and institutional restraints. In addition -Ends here for now- (Like wise)

Org Style:
* We are the Highest Court of the land, we specialize in making, overseeing, and dealing with laws.

-Will add about taxes(IRS and Tax Judge, etc/stuff) and such other ideas later.-

Name: Herrman Wolff
Status: Alive
Job: Md Intern
Location: NukeCity
-Your friend, Fatboy3227-
-aka Herrman Wolff-

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009, 21:17 
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We're going to try out the Justice Committee idea before dedicating an entire organization towards court rps.

[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: God must love crazy f**k tards
[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: Why?
[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: Becasue he makes so many of them.

DraconicDon: would you abduct a hobo/postman whom's IQ drops to that of a child when fed a happymeal?

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2009, 21:33 
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Joined: 04 Mar 2009, 18:35
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Sounds fair. :)


Name: Herrman Wolff
Status: Alive
Job: Md Intern
Location: NukeCity
-Your friend, Fatboy3227-
-aka Herrman Wolff-

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2009, 00:24 
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This sounds like you're taking off most of the mayor's duties. I figured they would all be part of a government org.

True Neutral: I don't care who you are, what you do or where you come from. I just want to do some business with you.

Company Funds for Loans available from Moe - None.
Company Funds for Loans available from Darrell - $15,000

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2009, 00:41 
Nuke | Light Poster
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Not that the Mayor is very active -.-

[21:29] <@Brain> I paw off to the pic of Nuker I have.
[21:29] <@Supernuker> =x

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2009, 01:18 
Nuke | Medium Poster

Joined: 22 Jul 2008, 00:07
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Seriously, we need to stop giving important positions to inactive people.

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2009, 07:18 
NukeSilo | Regular
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I've noticed that every single mayor we had... never did anything. Vincetti was the most active, and he made a few new laws but the others never came on and when they did they acted like normal civilians instead of handing out patriotic flyers like a normal mayor would.

Wake Kipper - Nuke City Deputy Police Commissioner

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2009, 09:55 
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I'll admit, Shultz was a good Mayor. He did a lot of things that affected the people and the server a lot, and also helped to make one of the greatest roleplaying scenarios I've seen so far.

Taught by Tracer

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2009, 10:21 
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Name: Herrman Wolff
Status: Alive
Job: Md Intern
Location: NukeCity
-Your friend, Fatboy3227-
-aka Herrman Wolff-

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2009, 19:43 
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Maxwell Murder wrote:
I'll admit, Shultz was a good Mayor. He did a lot of things that affected the people and the server a lot, and also helped to make one of the greatest roleplaying scenarios I've seen so far.

Yes, we should use his term as a model for how the mayor's position could be used to, in fact, help out RP instead of just having a high paying position so you can screw around and earn more cash at the same time.

[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: God must love crazy f**k tards
[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: Why?
[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: Becasue he makes so many of them.

DraconicDon: would you abduct a hobo/postman whom's IQ drops to that of a child when fed a happymeal?

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2009, 01:31 
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I wish I came earlier, or I would have run for mayor. I was gonna try to implement all new kinda things into our society. Anyone wanna explain what Schultz did?

True Neutral: I don't care who you are, what you do or where you come from. I just want to do some business with you.

Company Funds for Loans available from Moe - None.
Company Funds for Loans available from Darrell - $15,000

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2009, 02:00 
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I originally hired Shultz into the Mafia, and he quickly moved up the chain, because he was a mean cuss and kept the boys in line (for the most part). During that time, a police officer had approached us and began to give us a lot of invaluable information about the police department and various other sectors of the city, whilst opting to assist any of the boys who happened to get convicted for some reason or other, usually by pulling some strings and getting them out of prison early. Then, the Mayoral election came up, and that police officer decided to run in the election, which we were overjoyed for. Shultz, an underboss at the time, in charge of quite a bit of the operations and personnel we were working, also decided to run in the election, without the Don's permission. He was setting himself up to single-handedly ruin the plans of the same family brought him to his status. And this campaign was fierce; even after I expressed my great disapproval with his actions and explained the consequences of going through with it, he continued to work harder, being less and less discreet about his motives. We, as a family, supported the police officer's side, because, strangely enough, we trusted him far more. But in the end, much to our dismay, Shultz won.

He did (or at least tried to) do a lot for the city, opening up a homeless shelter and starting up a miniature casino. He also signed a bunch of new laws that seemed to be somewhat beneficial. However, as I promised him, he still had to face the consequences for betraying the family. A group of us, myself included, entered his casino, struck up a petty chat with him (though the ominous tension was stifling in that room) and attempted to put him six feet under. Unfortunately, the plan was somewhat foiled, mostly by some bad roleplaying decisions on the part of Shultz and the police officers, so Shultz survived while some of my men died. Shortly after, Shultz assumed the position of a dictator and held the city under martial law, declaring that all members of the family would be dealt with using extreme prejudice, dead or alive. (At the time, this piss quite a few of us off, out of character, because it seemed rather unethical, even invalid, that he could assume such power instantaneously.) Granted, the family still had a massive amount of power, because the authorities did not do much more to stand in our way than before.

This type of stalemate position lasted for some time. It was the calm before the storm, whence both parties were planning strategies to obliterate the other. For my part, I know that those moments were crucial for our success. Particularly, our greatest achievement was that a Mafioso who appeared to go rogue actually infiltrated Shultz's establishment and became one of his most trusted guards; he relayed all information over to us. Thus, it was that, with that person's help, we were able to locate Shultz one night, again in the same casino as the first go at it, and we cornered him in his office. It was there that we eliminated Mr. Shultz, and almost all was right for the Mafia once again.

Sure made for a fun time.

Taught by Tracer

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2009, 07:32 
NukeSilo | Regular
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When I was running for mayor, my plan was to blow up the diner and call it a terrorist attack. Using this, I would give the PD much more authority and ultimately lead to a dictator RP through the means of terrorist attacks. Funny eh?

Wake Kipper - Nuke City Deputy Police Commissioner

Last edited by Wake on 22 Mar 2009, 11:19, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2009, 09:54 
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Joined: 04 Mar 2009, 20:11
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Wake for mayor.

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2009, 10:57 
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Joined: 27 Dec 2005, 12:11
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Wake wrote:
When I was mayor, my plan was to blow up the diner and call it a terrorist attack. Using this, I would give the PD much more authority and ultimately lead to a dictator RP through the means of terrorist attacks. Funny eh?

Well... it's a start.

Taught by Tracer

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