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 Post subject: Seargeant Roger Cleary
PostPosted: 08 Feb 2009, 01:12 

Joined: 08 Feb 2009, 00:47
Posts: 3
So this is the first time in this server. Besides long ago before it went down. I just walking along and I see this OFFICER sitting on the roof and he puts a cap in me. Didn't kill me so i went on the rooftops and chase after him (not hitting him). He finally fails and jumping to another roof and falls so i attempt to kick him (seeing as he likes to bullshit around being a dming cop. He kills me, then i say "hmm like to dm on rooftops"? he said you have no proof. WHAT cop would say that unless he actually did do it lol. Anyways do what you want. When i was back in the old nuke server Rp didnt bullshit that hard.

Thanks for your time
Sincerely, Coro The Butcher S.

PostPosted: 08 Feb 2009, 02:07 

Joined: 03 Feb 2009, 16:31
Posts: 5
Actually, way to fail at writing all the details down. For one, I didn't shoot at you. I was afk, came back and pressed enter, and shot at the floor, not you. You then decided to chase me through the roofs while I was staking out someone, and when I fell, you kicked me twice. I then turned around, put my police bind and you kept on charging at me, so I shot to kill. Simple as that. You then said you had demo'ed it all, and I asked you to please put it on the forums, which you haven't. Afterwards, you respawned, and blatantly metagamed. Found me, kicked me in the face, killed me, then said "Peace Fag" and left the server.

Thank you for including the entire story.

PostPosted: 08 Feb 2009, 11:27 
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Joined: 29 Jan 2009, 14:37
Posts: 22
// Hint, a smart thing to do is to Unbind enter. I did that maybe 3 years ago.

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PostPosted: 08 Feb 2009, 13:32 
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// ya thats what i did, i rebinded enter to open up chat since im used to doing that for wow

"If we don't get rid of this spy, pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today."

PostPosted: 09 Feb 2009, 00:57 

Joined: 08 Feb 2009, 00:47
Posts: 3
Nice save Roger...(I accidentally hit enter LOL) And the aimer just so happened to be on my body ROFLS

PostPosted: 09 Feb 2009, 06:31 
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Joined: 03 Jan 2006, 09:27
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Locking this, Coro instead of posting a complaint like this either post a ban request if you feel admin's are necessary in the situation or report it to the police executives because these topics just end up in flame wars that go nowhere.

[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: God must love crazy f**k tards
[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: Why?
[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: Becasue he makes so many of them.

DraconicDon: would you abduct a hobo/postman whom's IQ drops to that of a child when fed a happymeal?

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