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PostPosted: 17 Jan 2009, 18:26 
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Joined: 18 Oct 2008, 20:19
Posts: 31
Your RP name:Gorden Michigan

Your steam ID:STEAM_0:18523655

Organization Name:The Orginization Is called the "Hook" Originaly standing for,Help Our Orginization Kill / Kloot((Kloot= Steal money and get away with it)).We will not just go around killing people,We will only Do what we are told by the -=H.O.O.K=- Boss/'s.

Organization Type: Legal/ Illegal: This is Illegal. Only and Invdaviudual with a heart of a criminal could possibly be selected for the job.

Organization Purpose:To let those with very skilled and talented groups of people enjoy The creation of this Orginization.You'd rather be our friend than foe.

How will this Organization improve RP on our server?:My friend Norman and I thought this Org would change nukesilo and bring more people to the Server.Most likely we think that Nukesilo will be greatfuly more fun.With this Orginization,We think Nukesilo would have more epic and Awsome RP's.((Haveing more Robs and more people in wanting to RP On this Server.))

Organization Ranks/ Job description: Hook Trainee, Hook Initiate, Hook Associate, Hook Solider, Hook GunMan, Hook Hitman,Hook Gaurd,Hook Boss.((-=H.O.O.K=- Boss/'s will be me And Norman Scoot Merez,Since we are the two owners on this Org. and idea)) If you do not do as you are assigned you will be terminated and handled with properly for your actions.

Plugins/Propertey we might need: We will Need a Radio,((/RadioTH,For example)),A base/Hideout
(possibly a Choke mod,Like the tazer only a Strangle,Sort of like a grab.It is a "Request" so please dont if you dont want to.)And a storage room for guns,Etc.

Organization history:We are a very skilled and talented group of people,You probly would wanna be our friend than Foe.We are very Orginized With our Situations. If you do not do as you are assigned you will be terminated/Fired and handled with properly for your actions. Only and Invdaviudual with a heart of a criminal could possibly be selected for the job

Other Owners/Leaders:Norman.RP Name: Norman Merez.His Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:3610857

That is all,Thank you.

Last edited by thegoku123 on 19 Jan 2009, 19:11, edited 4 times in total.

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2009, 21:29 
Trial Admin

Joined: 25 Oct 2008, 23:57
Posts: 43
This sounds like an excuse for DM? Going around and killing random people. Aight w/e.

Even though I have no right to say anything just gonna put it out there.

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2009, 19:04 
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Joined: 18 Oct 2008, 20:19
Posts: 31
NO!!!.....This Org, is not allowed to DM unless we HAVE to.Orher words,We dont like to DM,But if we have to,we will use our skills to do it.Only skilled,and talented people may join.

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2009, 05:07 
Trial Admin

Joined: 25 Oct 2008, 23:57
Posts: 43
This Org, is not allowed to DM unless we HAVE to
You will never have to dm ever. It is against server policies and bad roleplay.

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2009, 05:13 
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I'm not Andre, but I think I'm echoing his words when I say this community would be looking for something a little more original than that, if it was looking for anything currently. Your motivation is great, and I'm happy that you're trying to get other people to support the community and get involved, but unfortunately this organization would be progress in the opposite direction of what you and I and everybody else wants.

Taught by Tracer

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2009, 07:07 
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Maxwell pretty much summed it all up. I saw the post a while ago, just decided to let it sit for a while before answering.

Also we currently are not accepting any custom org apps right now, but we may do another vote soon.

[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: God must love crazy f**k tards
[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: Why?
[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: Becasue he makes so many of them.

DraconicDon: would you abduct a hobo/postman whom's IQ drops to that of a child when fed a happymeal?

PostPosted: 20 Jan 2009, 12:11 
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Joined: 18 Oct 2008, 20:19
Posts: 31
Ok,Well..I guess i lost it,Really this group was not for DMing at all,It was just to bring more people to the server and support the efforts a littile more.

Norman and I thought that if there was a littile more excitment In the Server because of this Orginization, More people would join the server,and help.I Also thought if there was another Orginizaton,it would be eaiser for people to find jobs in the RP,maybe to have a littile bit more fun,Because More RPs would probly happen,Bringing more people to the server.

Hopefuly this will be elected in a Custom Org. vote soon.

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2009, 00:02 
NukeSilo | Light Poster
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Joined: 03 Jun 2006, 15:32
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Just a tip for next time, be specific about how it will benefit the server and what you will actually do. Saying "It will increase RP" is not helpful. Saying "Our interactions with the average citizen such as muggings, kidnapping, and extortion, will provide interesting RP for all involved" is much better (though since every crime org ever made does that stuff it probably isn't the best example.)

Yes I guess I'm back for a bit. da*n you, Shadow

IGN: Eric Sinclair Alive?

Chief Steve Ericson: (( That's like the 3rd time the diner has been blown up )
Kumiko Hasegawa: (( i smell insurance scam ))

PostPosted: 23 Jan 2009, 11:14 
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I agree with Eric. And another tip: be original.

Taught by Tracer

PostPosted: 24 Jan 2009, 11:29 

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Maxwell Murder wrote:
I agree with Eric. And another tip: be original.

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PostPosted: 29 Jan 2009, 21:37 
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Posts: 31
I've been trying to get to That,To have more interesting RP's and such.

Still,I agree with every comment,and i Thank you for you'r help. I wanted to have a Org to increase population,Most'ly,To Have more Interesting cool,Exciteing RP's.Although This Orginization was properly not selected,But surely We can give it a chance?

If i am not correct,Go with what you belive,Anyhow,Haveing a voteing poll for this Orginization is probaly a better idea. If we have a vote,Please let me know.

I would really enjoy seeing this in Nukesilo.
Thank you,With all respect,Enjoy your time.You dont have for ever you know..?
Have faith,And grow strong,Nukesilo is depending on you!

PostPosted: 03 Feb 2009, 22:12 
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Joined: 18 Oct 2008, 20:19
Posts: 31
What im trying to get at is better RP. More fun in the server.More adventure.For this Org,It was planned out to be on the look for money to find new base's,Buy guns,Exrta things of all.I meant for this Orginization to have Stealer's,And skilled/High ranked fighters from around nukesilo to join,To make it short,and clear,The Orginization Could be good for the RP.I dont need the Hitmen in it.Its not what im geting at...Well,Im trying really hard to push this Orginization into a vote/Poll So it may be selected.You may think i sound stupide for this.

But yeah,I think that this Orginization would make the RP server better because,There will proboly be more RP to the Server,There will be more active jobs.The Orginization will Bet for money and Hopefuly win.
We may Get more roberry's in the server not saying its bad or good,Just thinking there will be more RP to Roberrys with this Orginization.The Orginization Application,I do understand needs to be Edited,and posted again.I have made a few Errors and Things i am upset about.But still,Please vote for this! I know you think im trying to get at a hitman job,But im trying to get more RP!,And more excitment! Come on bring on more RP!.Not to brag just gonnna say that: I Garentee after a while,People will get to know this Org,Then possibly like it,Hopefuly you to if it is selected! :D:.Im sorry if you dont agree.I know where i went wrong.And im willing to try again.So,Have a good day,And thanks for reading.
Gorden Michigan
Have Faith,Be Strong,Nukesilo Is Depending On You!

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