What im trying to get at is better RP. More fun in the server.More adventure.For this Org,It was planned out to be on the look for money to find new base's,Buy guns,Exrta things of all.I meant for this Orginization to have Stealer's,And skilled/High ranked fighters from around nukesilo to join,To make it short,and clear,The Orginization Could be good for the RP.I dont need the Hitmen in it.Its not what im geting at...Well,Im trying really hard to push this Orginization into a vote/Poll So it may be selected.You may think i sound stupide for this.
But yeah,I think that this Orginization would make the RP server better because,There will proboly be more RP to the Server,There will be more active jobs.The Orginization will Bet for money and Hopefuly win.
We may Get more roberry's in the server not saying its bad or good,Just thinking there will be more RP to Roberrys with this Orginization.The Orginization Application,I do understand needs to be Edited,and posted again.I have made a few Errors and Things i am upset about.But still,Please vote for this! I know you think im trying to get at a hitman job,But im trying to get more RP!,And more excitment! Come on bring on more RP!.Not to brag just gonnna say that: I Garentee after a while,People will get to know this Org,Then possibly like it,Hopefuly you to if it is selected!

:.Im sorry if you dont agree.I know where i went wrong.And im willing to try again.So,Have a good day,And thanks for reading.
Gorden Michigan
Have Faith,Be Strong,Nukesilo Is Depending On You!