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PostPosted: 29 Jan 2009, 22:03 
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Joined: 18 Oct 2008, 20:19
Posts: 31
My Custon OrgInization Chat,Anything you wanna say that can help this be promoted,Go ahead my friend!,Talk about the Org,And this will appear for only a limited time!Make sure what you want to say Ill be deleting this on Feb. 23. 2009.
Say anything about it!,But no Disrespectful posts please. :)
Have Faith,Be Strong,Nukesilo Is Depending On You!

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009, 00:03 
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PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009, 01:26 
Nuke | Heavy Poster

Joined: 27 Oct 2008, 16:43
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i still don't understand what your org is about? what are the goals, how it helps the RP, what it will specialize in

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009, 10:11 
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This is what supernuker said here: viewtopic.php?f=50&t=6400
Supernuker wrote:
You qualify as legal hitman for the server, not with regard to the Nuke City laws, if you meet one of the following requirements below:
-You have the Hitman job.
-You have the rank of Mafia Hitman if you are in the Mafia.
-You have the rank of Yakuza Assassin if you are in the Yakuza.
-Your are a TSRP administrator and are in one of the custom organizations.
-You are a Fox, and the Foxes are not currently affiliated with any Law Enforcement groups.

So, I don't think we need any more hitmen. Also, this is an example of bad RP, but, people do it themselves rather than hiring someone. I'm saying that this sounds like one giant hitman organization that steals. "Klooting" would be rather impossible, since almost every robbery ends up in a shootout (due to bad RP).

In-Game Name: James Vincetti
Character Name: James Vincetti
Status: Alive

Character Name: Al Harringon
Status:NCPD Officer III

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009, 21:03 
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Sorry for my rude language,Deeply,I hope you can forgive me.Swearing is something i do not like to do.

Last edited by thegoku123 on 03 Feb 2009, 22:04, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 03 Feb 2009, 22:02 
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What im trying to get at is better RP. More fun in the server.More adventure.For this Org,It was planned out to be on the look for money to find new base's,Buy guns,Exrta things of all.I meant for this Orginization to have Stealer's,And skilled/High ranked fighters from around nukesilo to join,To make it short,and clear,The Orginization Could be good for the RP.I dont need the Hitmen in it.Its not what im geting at...Well,Im trying really hard to push this Orginization into a vote/Poll So it may be selected.You may think i sound stupide for this.

But yeah,I think that this Orginization would make the RP server better because,There will proboly be more RP to the Server,There will be more active jobs.The Orginization will Bet for money and Hopefuly win.
We may Get more roberry's in the server not saying its bad or good,Just thinking there will be more RP to Roberrys with this Orginization.The Orginization Application,I do understand needs to be Edited,and posted again.I have made a few Errors and Things i am upset about.But still,Please vote for this! I know you think im trying to get at a hitman job,But im trying to get more RP!,And more excitment! Come on bring on more RP!.Not to brag just gonnna say that: I garentee after a while,People will love this Org.
The Org is originaly just pronounced "Hook" But really I need to be calling it "H Oh Oh Kay" (-=H.O.O.K=-) For the letters of postery. Thank you for reading this,Hopefuly you will find that you also,Like this Orginization.Have a good day. :D
Mr.Michigan.Gorden Michigan.
Have Faith,Be Strong,Nukesilo Is Depending On You!

PostPosted: 03 Feb 2009, 23:10 
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Nukesilo is not currently looking for any custom organizations. Sorry.

Taught by Tracer

PostPosted: 04 Feb 2009, 10:45 
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plus theres also a buttload of robberies already being preformed by the mafia

"If we don't get rid of this spy, pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today."

PostPosted: 04 Feb 2009, 20:55 
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Ok,I know but I am gonna see if i can get this Orginization into when they DO look for custom Apps.

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2009, 16:18 
NukeSilo | Light Poster

Joined: 24 May 2005, 13:40
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Goku, I'm going to be very straight forward. Your organization makes zero sense in any form on trying to promote general roleplaying welfare..infact, I see it degrading it drastically. Your organization looks of that of one whom's description of a well-done hit consists of rapid metagame and blatant laming. I can see your organization flowing well on one of the lower grade RP servers, such as that bloody "Pirates TSRP", or one of them. But, I can nearly garuantee, your organization will not, and cannot thrive on this server. Please do note that this is not an insult or ment to be insultive in any way, shape, or form. This is merely constructive critiscisim.

Maxwell Murder wrote:
Jameson wrote:
Toretto wrote:
We should always pester Nuker, never Jameson.

I approve this message!

Vetoed by the President. The following message was released instead...
Toretto wrote:
We all should hug.

[00:00] <@Jameson> Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant" is like calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist"

PostPosted: 30 Mar 2009, 17:17 
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Thats alright.Anyways,Im not so happy about this orginization anyways.I wasnt to proud of it, and was pretty sure it wouldnt make it.But when I think of something that comes to mind that is actuly Helpful....Ill try once again.Thanks for your reply.I personly think this was useless now....I wish i could delete it,But now that I have this account I cant.


.:Gorden Michigan:. Have Faith,Be Strong,Do whats right.,


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