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 Post subject: TSRP Server Rules.
PostPosted: 30 Sep 2013, 16:14 
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Joined: 20 Mar 2008, 17:13
Posts: 198
xfire: kc9fjb
Location: Northern IL, USA (In bewteen Rockford and Chicago)
Below is the list of official rules and guidelines for the Nukesilo TSRP server, compiled from a number of topics posted on the forums over time. The Nukesilo Management Staff reserves the right to edit this information in any way at any time at there sole discretion.

Violent Acts

Deathmatching (Randomly Killing) and Revenge Killing Original: Sat, Oct 18, 2008; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

It is not allowed! Ever! Do not Deathmatch!

It is not allowed when the server is full!
It is not allowed when there is 5 people in the server!
It is not allowed when there is 2 people in the server!
It is not allowed when two people agree to deathmatch each other.
It is not allowed "as a joke".
It is not allowed if you were deathmatched (which is considered a revenge kill).

It just is not allowed. Deathmatching at any time is a bannable offensive, despite the reason. If you deathmatch then you may be banned without warning. (The only warnings we give for deathmatching are to people who are new to the concept of roleplaying, since they may not know better.)

And for clarification, attacking people and running off, or shooting at people for no good reason is considered deathmatching, even if you do not kill them.

If there is any confusion about whats deathmatching or not, then please ask an admin.

Becoming involved with a robbery from the outside Original: Wed, Oct 19, 2005; Updated: Wed, Jan 21, 2009
A player may not become violently involved with a robbery (or similar rp) from the out side. Doing so will be considered an bannable offense.

The only time this may happen, is if the number of PD at the rp, greatly out weighs the number of criminals.

Killing Cops Escorting a Prisoner Original: Wed, Oct 19, 2005; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

Killing Law Enforcement officials to free buddies when in any type of police custody is not allowed under normal circumstances. Additionally, you may not kill a cop, place a hit on a cop, kidnap a cop, etc., for arresting you or a buddy. However, these actions will be acceptable only when there is a greater number of Law Enforcement personnel than all other personnel, and there is more than one escorting officer. An easy rule of thumb to follow is listed below.

When its not allowed:
1) Number of criminal organization affiliated members outnumbers combined number of members of the NCPD, SWAT and NCIU, or only one officer is escorting the detainee.

When it is allowed:
1) NCPD, SWAT and NCIU members, combined, outnumber the members of all criminal organization affiliated members, and more than one officer is escorting the detainee.

Killing a Prisoner Original: Sun, Feb 10, 2008; Updated: Thurs, Jan 23, 2009
Killing a prisoner (which including people cuffed outside of jail) is not allowed for any reason.

The same applies to all pd organizations such as the NCIU, unless they have been sentenced to death (as stated in /laws)

"Gang Wars" Original: Wed, Oct 19, 2005; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

Before the war
Gang Wars are defined as repeated, deliberate acts of violence between two or more groups or organizations, toward each other. They are temporarily allowed after the following is accomplished:

1) You must have gotten approval from a Manager currently present on the TSRP server.
2) Leaders (or the highest ranked member present) of all groups involved must approve the war.
3) All sides must have a common tag in their name so they may be identified with each team. (Example: 'Mafia', [Yakuza]). If a person is part of a gang and does not wish to fight in the war, they must put [NW] in their name. Anyone wearing this tag is NOT part of the WAR. Do not kill them.
4) The NCPD may not be involved as an independent combatant (meaning they may do their job in the war, but they not be one of the competing sides). Law Enforcement Personnel: You are still to do your job during a gang war. If someone commits a crime, arrest them, its your job do it.

After all of the above stipulations are met, you are free to commence the war. Continue reading below for more information pertaining to the processions of the war.

During the war
The following is allowed:
1) Persons not affiliated with a group can side with a gang by adding its tag in their name. The leader of the side that person is joining must give prior approval.
2) Enter/Capture/Control buildings they do not own and use their resources (weapons).

The following is NOT allowed
1) Killing civilians or anyone with the [NW] tag in their name.

1) If not involved in the war, do not recklessly endanger yourself. If you do this and try to pass it off as an unlawful deathmatch kill, YOU may be punished.
2) Do not kill gang members and say you are part of the other gang. If you have are not rightfully part of one of the groups involved, you may be punished for this.

Ending the war
The Gang War MUST END when one of the following becomes true:
1) The approving Manager leaves or chooses to end the war.
2) The server crashes or reboots.
3) One side surrenders, quits, or every member from one side has the tag [NW].

Hitmen Original: Wed, Oct 19, 2005; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

Only certain people, not everyone, are allowed to carry out hits on other players.

You qualify as legal hitman for the server, not with regard to the Nuke City laws, if you meet one of the following requirements below:
-You have the Hitman job.
-You have the rank of Mafia Hitman if you are in the Mafia.
-You have the rank of Yakuza Assassin if you are in the Yakuza.
-Your are a TSRP administrator and are in one of the custom organizations.
-You are a Fox, and the Foxes are not currently affiliated with any Law Enforcement groups.

-The lowest price for a hit is $500. That is the BARE MINIMUM for any insignificant target.
-Charging low sums of money for hits on important targets is punishable, for both the hitman and the person who issued the hit. (Examples of acceptable prices: $1000 for a cop, $3000 for low ranking CIA/SWAT/Mafia, $5000 for Mayor, High Ranking Officer/CIA/SWAT/Mafia, $7000 for Cheif of Police/CIA/SWAT, $10000 for Don/Commissioner)

Suicide Original: Sun, Feb 10, 2008; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

Committing suicide may crash the server, so it is a punishable offense. It is state in-game using the /rules command that suicide is not acceptable. If you commit suicide for any reason, you may be punished, whether it crashes the server or not.

Asking Other Players to Kill You Original: Wed, Oct 19, 2005; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

Asking someone to kill you for a reason that does not benefit the roleplaying experience in a helpful way is punishable for you and the person who agrees to do so. Having a low HP level, trying to lose the "red screen" bleeding effect, etc., are not good reasons.

The NCMD has medical equipment that can be used to heal you from any level of damage, so seek one of them out.

Killing Public Players Original: Wed, Oct 19, 2005; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009
Public players, "Pubs" for short, are those who have not yet registered to the TSRP server, denominated by the "Pub:" tag preceding their name. As with any other type of player, killing Pubs is not permitted unless it is an act of self defense, in which the Pub deliberately attacked you or another player first. Any other form of attacking a Public player, including "Pub Hunts", is illegal and punishable.

To prevent such situations from occurring:
1) Inform the Pub that they are on a roleplaying server, not a deathmatch server, and so they may not randomly attack other characters. Tell them how they may register to the server to use its plug-ins.
2) Inform available Nukesilo staff members of the presence and behavior of any Pub.

Items and Weapons

Silenced Weapons Original: Wed, Oct 19, 2005; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

Silenced weapons are against Nuke City laws, and so players caught using them may be arrested and sentenced to time in jail.

Who may legally, regarding the city laws, use them:
-Mayor's Guards

Tazers Original: Wed, Oct 19, 2005; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

There is no such thing as "Tazer Abuse". Tazers are available to anyone, and they all may potentially break with each use.

Tazering someone does not count as an attack because it does 5 damage and is meant to stun the target. So deathmatch killing someone simply because they tazered you is NOT permitted.

Ownership Original: Tues, Feb 12, 2008; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

1. There is no set limit for how many buildings an individual may own.
2. Only one person technically owns any one building. If a group pools to purchase the building, their satisfaction with the purchase can be guaranteed by no one but the owner.
3. If the actual owner of a property is not heard from for 30 days then the building may be put up for sale at the original bank (starting) price. Those who have keys will lose them if it is sold. If the owner returns before it is sold he or she may cancel the sale with amx_cancel. (This will eventually be done automatically.)
4. The Nukesilo Management team reserves the right to confiscate property at any time, for any reason, while offering the owner at least the starting price for it.
5. To gather profit for stores you *MUST* contact Supernuker after buying it so he can enable the profit. Failure to do will result in lack of the ability to receive profit.

Jobs, Special Roles and Events

Trial by Jury and Judge/Lawyer/Jury Roles Original: Wed, Oct 19, 2005; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

There will be a trail while the person is in JAIL! If you are arrested, you will be allowed to contact your lawyer once you are in jail, and not before then. Your lawyer may then enter the police lobby, talk to the police, then the police will escort both your lawyer and you (the client) to the interrogation room.

Jury: Jury member(s) present on the server will hear the crime from the defendant and prosecutor side and then decide if the criminal is guilty (stays in jail) or not guilty (released).

Judge: After the jury deems the defendant guilty or not guilty, the judge will decide how long the criminal remains in jail and if he may post bail or not. If the jury is not available for the trial, the judge will make the verdict of guilty or not guilty.

Lawyers: Lawyers argue in the defense of the criminal to the Jury and or Judge. If neither of these parties are present, the lawyer may argue the case with Law Enforcement.

If none of these parties are available, then the old system is used, where the of the arresting officer or a higher ranking officer decides a duration of jail time for the defendant, with or without a specified amount for bail.

Special EventsOriginal: Wed, Oct 19, 2005; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

Special Events for roleplaying on the server are welcomed, but they must follow these guidelines:

1) If you give away an item or money, do not expect to be redeemed for it.
2) If killing is involved (like with Gang Wars) then a Manager must be present on the server to approve it.
3) If a player does not wish to be involved in the event, they do not have to be, nor do they have to explicitly specify that they are not involved in some way. This does not apply for Pre-Planned Events. (See below.)

Pre-Planned Events:

Pre-planned events must be planned and posted on the forums ahead of time for the start of the event, or at the very least, everyone must be alerted of the event at least 20 minutes ahead of time with additional warnings at 10 and 5 minutes until starting time, and then again at the commencing of the event. No one may be exempted from the event if they are present, meaning they do not have to be actively involved, but they cannot deny being involved and must follow whatever special event rules apply to them. Pre-planned events may also require that administrators are present to oversee their proceedings.

Returning to a Roleplay Scenario After Death Original: Tues, Nov 4, 2008 ; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

If you die as a result of a roleplaying scenario, you may not return to the roleplaying scenario, regardless of your job, role in the scenario, etc. Returning to the scenario is considered metagaming and is a bannable offensive.

Exceptions to the rule are:
1) You died for a reason completely insignificant to the scenario, and it was out of your control. (Dying of starvation is NOT a valid excuse, since you can control your hunger. Dying because a Pub deathmatched you while you were outside, IS a valid reason.)
2) EVERYONE involved in the scenario formally agrees that you may re-enter the scenario.

Law Enforcement and Criminal Acts

"Rush Cuffing" Original: Wed Feb 06, 2008 ; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

The general rule assumed here is that the act of rush cuffing, in which a Law Enforcement official quickly cuffs another player, usually without any formal warning or accompanying action, is permitted and is not punishable. The reasoning is that in real life, a police officer, when given the opportunity, could simply grab ahold of a suspect and slab cuffs on them very rapidly. Since it is more difficult for an Law Enforcement official to illustrate this kind of action on the server, the simple act of cuffing the player when they are in range is permitted. However, it is advised that individuals with access to the /cuff command should bind an action to accompany the command, as a means of describing how the arrest was made. Ex: bind <key> "say /cuff; say /me pulls your arms behind your back, slams you against the wall and cuffs you."

However, there are exceptions to this rule, and they all follow along the lines of how this act of roleplaying could be described as poor roleplaying judgement. Like the original rule, these exceptions are not clear cut; rather, they require some discretion from the parties involved:

1) If an arrest was made in a situation where it clearly could not have been made in reality, such as if a rogue officer simply rushed into a room full of armed criminals and managed to slap cuffs on one of them with no good explanation for how the arrest was made, the officer could be at fault. And thus, the arrest could be inappropriate and invalid.
2) For highly dangerous situations, only under special circumstances should members of NCPD breach and assault buildings to make arrests, such as when a SWAT team is not available. In all other cases, the SWAT team should be called upon for this task. The SWAT team may be called in by the (Assistant) Chief of SWAT, (Assistant) NCIU Director, (Assistant) Commissioner of Police, or any NCPD Officer with the rank of Captain or higher provided the situation calls for it.

Again, this rule and its exceptions require a lot of discretion from the parties involved, especially from the administrator(s) regulating the situation.

Police Authority Abuse Original: Fri Feb 08, 2008 ; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

In regards to cop abuse -->

Server Exploits

"Away From Keyboard" Status Original: Wed, Oct 19, 2005; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

Any form of inactivity, on your part, in the server, suggests that you are AFK. The following rules apply to you while are AFK:
1) If you die from hunger, you may be held accountable for it.
2) If you are a fugitive, and you are incarcerated (arrested), you may be punished for not cooperating with the arresting officer.
3) If you are a member of a Law Enforcement organization, and a criminal act takes place, you may be held accountable for not responding to it. This could amount to you being demoted from your rank or fired from your job for it.
4) If you are killed, you may not seek any sort of action to resolve it. So, you may not deem it a deathmatch kill and demand that someone be punished for it.
5) If you are in jail and were supposed to be released while you were AFK, you may not complain if you are still in jail.
6) You may be kicked from the server at any time at the discretion of the Nukesilo staff present, if they have good reason to do so.
7) "Moneyfarming", or the act of remaining AFK on the server just to receive payment from your employment for the duration, is a punishable offense.

Killing any person who is AFK, for a reason that does not benefit the roleplaying experience in a helpful way, is also NOT permitted.

Exploiting Plug-ins Original: Sun, Feb 10, 2008; Updated: Tues, Jan 13, 2009

Exploiting plug-ins (using them in any way other than their original purpose) for any reason, whether you know it is an exploit or not, is punishable. This could result in your TSRP account being wiped clean. Plug-ins may also be edited to prevent future misuses.

An example: When robbing the bank, the suspect delayed law enforcement long enough to deposit the money at the same bank he stole it from. This could not happen in real life, so it should not happen on the server.


Created: Supernuker. Edited: Maxwell Murder

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