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 Post subject: Helpful TSRP commands.
PostPosted: 30 Sep 2013, 16:22 
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Joined: 20 Mar 2008, 17:13
Posts: 198
xfire: kc9fjb
Location: Northern IL, USA (In bewteen Rockford and Chicago)
** This is not finished. **

Here is a list of commands that any user on Nukesilo's TSRP server may utilize, provided that one meets the conditions required for the action they wish to carry out.

The commands go as follows:

Type of Command / How to Access It
Say command / Entered as in-game chat input (default key is 'y')
Team Say command / Entered as in-game teamchat input (default key is 'u')
Console command / Entered in in-game console (default key is '~')

** When in doubt, type amx_help in the console. This will list the first 10 of all (or almost all) the commands of each of the three types that are available specifically for you to use. If you wish to see the rest of the commands, you may view them in groups of ten by typing amx_help 11 in console, and then amx_help 21...and so on.

**Any text contained denoted with <> signifies a variable that must be determined by the user. Do not enter the <>'s.

Say Commands
Command - Action

Say - Simply speaking using regular (Say) chat is perceived as talking normally in-game. It has a medium radius by which it can be heard and is characterized as in character chatting.

ooc <message> - Send an out of character message to everyone on the server. Out of character means it does not affect any role-playing situation. Out of character messages are denoted with (( )).

quiet <message> - Much like a whisper, sends a message to other players within a very small radius around the user.

shout <message> - Shouting allows a player to send a message to other players within a very broad radius around them.

sms <player name (only a defining portion of the name is needed)> <message> - Sends a "text message" via cell phone to another player. Both players must have a cell phone and the sending party will be charged $1 for every text, provided that they have a subscription or prepaid phone card.

Press your "+use" key (default e) - When standing near and facing an NPC commerce station (can be in the form of a person, a cash register, a laptop), this command opens up the buy menu.

/buy - Used when purchasing properties. Use when facing a door of a property that is for sale.

/deposit <number/amount> - Deposits money from a player's wallet to their bank account provided that they currently possess the specified amount of money in their wallet and are standing in front of an NPC station at the bank desk.

/withdraw <number/amount> - Withdraws money from a player's bank account and places it in their wallet, provided that they have, at least, the specified amount in their account at the time and are near and facing an NPC at the bank desk. The maximum amount that can be carried in a wallet at any time is $5,000; any item at an NPC station costing more than $5,000 will deduct the difference from the player's bank account.

/transfer <player name/meaningful portion of name> <amount> - Transfers the specified amount from the user's bank account to the specified player's bank account provided that: the user possesses the specified amount in their account, and they are near and facing an NPC at the bank.

/items - Opens the items menu.

/autowatch - Sets your watch's auto display mode

/tazer - Shortcut for tazer item.

Team Say Commands
Command - Action

Team say - Simply speaking in team chat signifies that the text is out of character speech and denotes it in that form, namely (( )).

@ <message> - Sends a message to the admins whom are currently on the server.

Console Commands
Command - Action

status - Displays information, such as names and STEAM IDs, about everyone present in the server.
record <name of demo> - Records a demo under the name specified by the user.
stop <name of demo> - Stops a recording.
amx_help - Displays all the console commands that may apply specifically to you, if you satisfy the requirements necessary for any given command to be carried out. amx_help 11, amx_help 21, amx_help 31, and so on, will display more commands in the list.
amx_addaccess <name, steamid or regname> <NAME,STEAMID or REG> - Grants the specified player access, in the form of a "key", to a door.
amx_autodemo - Toggle recording automatic demos. Demos are automatically named and split into 10 minute long segments.
amx_cancel - Cancels an act of selling property that the user owns. Must be near and facing a door belonging to that property.
amx_cfgmenu - Displays configurations menu.
amx_changepass <old password> <new password> - Changes the user's server account password.
amx_chat <message> - Sends a message to admins whom are currently online.
amx_cmdmenu - Displays a commands menu.
amx_cuff <name or #userid> - Cuffs the player that the user is facing, provided that the user has the ability to do so (i.e. is a member of a law enforcement organization).
amx_cuffme - Allows the user to cuff themself, provided they have the ability to do so.
amx_employ <name or #userid> <job> - offer a player a job
amx_heal <player> <health> -
amx_itemlist - List all the items in the database
amx_joblist - List all the jobs in the database
amx_langmenu - Displays language menu.
amx_loadname <name or #userid> <password> - load an old account that was erased
amx_lock - set door to lock status
amx_menu - displays menus available to client
amx_ownername <newtext> - change the owner text
amx_page <message> - request an admin
amx_plugins - Displays plugins menu.
amx_profit - take out profits from a commerical property
amx_regname <name or #userid> <password> - register an account to use plugins
amx_removeaccess <name, steamid or regname> <NAME,STEAMID or REG> - remove access to door
amx_sell <price> - sell a property you own
amx_setjobaccess <JobID[-JobID]> - sets jobid access to a door.
amx_speechmenu - displays speech menu
amx_teammenu - displays team menu
amx_who - displays who is on server
amx_modmenu - displays menus

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