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 Post subject: Sando Morrison Mafia APP
PostPosted: 07 Feb 2009, 22:08 

Joined: 05 Feb 2009, 18:00
Posts: 4
Name:Sando Morrison

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:6558

Character Age:5 days

Character Background/History/How you know about the Mafia:Sando was in the PD,he still is,but he feels the time has come for a change,the PD just...isnt him,he loves the pressure of being at a bank robbery when there is an armed robber,and sometimes imagines what it feels like to be in the robbers situation,he feels the mafia has more exitement and is a better place than the PD,he also feels the PD doesnt offer enough teamwork,sando knows about the mafia because before he was PD he always spotted them around in their mobs/gangs,whenever he saw them he got a small chill,one day he was mugged by a Mafia group who told him to hand over all his money and items,sando didnt really have a choice so he did it,but after that he shouted "Who are you?" they replied with 4 words..."We are the mafia"

What you offer:the skills sando can offer are things like,brilliant skill with a gun and brilliant accuracy with a gun(which is gud cos its on realhud)

Why you want to Join:Sando wants to join the mafia because he feels it has more teamwork and more exitement than being a PD,he thinks about how much pressure he is under stopping a robbery,then there is the pressure of the robber,for some reason,sando wants to feel that pressure

Other Servers You've Played On/TSRP Experience:Inferno RP,Mobius RP and Al's Apollo RP

Anything Else (OOC or IC) That you Think is Relevent:N/A

PostPosted: 08 Feb 2009, 00:27 
NukeSilo | Light Poster
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Joined: 03 Jun 2006, 15:32
Posts: 315
These cops that turn mafia stories are getting on my nerves because they are so improbable. These muggings causing people to want to join the mafia is downright ridiculous. And how can your character be 5 days old?

That being said you at least followed the format ICly so I'd be willing to give you a shot. See Shadow, Deebz, or me

Yes I guess I'm back for a bit. da*n you, Shadow

IGN: Eric Sinclair Alive?

Chief Steve Ericson: (( That's like the 3rd time the diner has been blown up )
Kumiko Hasegawa: (( i smell insurance scam ))

PostPosted: 08 Feb 2009, 06:12 

Joined: 05 Feb 2009, 18:00
Posts: 4
lol by char age i thought it ment how long i been on serv XD

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