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PostPosted: 18 Feb 2009, 20:53 

Joined: 06 Nov 2008, 20:22
Posts: 4
Name: Kevin Kimmel

RP Name:Kevin Kimmel

Steam ID: Steam_0:1:15079098

Have you been in the MD before: Yes Lead Doctor on 4 separate servers, and surgeon in some others

If Yes, Where, When: Menchi's RP 4 months ago, Lost heaven RP, one year ago and two others that I cannot remember right now

How long have you been roleplaying: 3 years

What Days/Times of the week can you be active: Everyday from 7-9 on weekdays and weekends from when I wanna start to when I want to stop

Why I should select you for the job: The Medical Department to me is by far the most enjoyable RP. Whether you have simply a check-up or a bullet wound its always fast paced and entertaining. I have had much experience in the Department for I find it by far the most fun. The RP of being a doctor is never the same routine over and over again, and it uses problem solving skills which I enjoy very much.

Tell me How you will RP your job as medical professional successfully: I have a wide education, I have much experience, and I don't take things for granted. If there is a chance for me to use commands and special needs I'll use it. Im willing to do anything that is given me, and make things enjoyable for both me and the patient.

Describe to me how you would deal with a gun shot wound: I would bring the patient into the room and ask what the problem is and where the problem is occurring. After I have located the source, I would apply pressure to the area and depending on the level of pain I would ask if the patient is liable for pain killers and if so apply that to him, if not wish him the best. Then I would clean the area so that the person does not get infected. Then I would make an incision on the area where the person had been shot. After removing the bullet I would then place the bullet in a pan to my side. After that I would stitch up the wounded area. I would recommend rest to the patient and have the patient stay at the hospital for a while in case something goes wrong. Then I would allow visitors in to come see the patient.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone that is mentally unstable: I would first require them to take a seat on the platform. After controlling the situation I would ask the patient a series of questions to try and discover what the problem is that is occurring. If the patient has an illness such as depression I would prescribe them a medicine to help their problem. If the problem has to do with something that is curable by speaking with them, I would advise them some psychiatric help. If the problem is uncontrollable I would contact local authorities to assist me with my patient.

Any other comments:Nope

PostPosted: 01 Mar 2009, 11:20 
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