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PostPosted: 21 Dec 2008, 15:12 
Staff Member

Joined: 21 Sep 2008, 16:55
Posts: 159
Name: Brian Penn

RP Name: Gregor 'Traitor' Allen (Traitor is from Snuker :P )

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:13876317

Have you been in the MD before: No, but i figured i should start it somewhere.

If Yes, Where, When: see above.

How long have you been roleplaying: On Ts about a year now, overall a year and a half maybe.

What Days/Times of the week can you be active: Weeks it's 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 P.m. CST (due to school, but if we don't have school weekends applies for week) Weekends: When ever I wake up too... 9 p.m. CST

Why I should select you for the job: Because I have been a part of the Nukesilo community for awhile and I've noticed theres usually a lack of MD sooo...

Tell me How you will RP your job as medical professional successfully: By listening to my superiors, helping out whenever possible, being active, and not DMing.

Describe to me how you would deal with a gun shot wound: I would apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding, make the necisary incisions and remove the bullet. Then I would stitch it up and put bandages on it. Once the patient has recovered enough i would ask them if they need any pain pills and I would give them a prescription for some.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone that is mentally unstable: If they were unable to control them selves i would inject them with a calming solution, or I would strap them down to the bed and try to talk to them to find out what's wrong if anything. If there is anything i could do for them I would help them if possible.

Any other comments: I don't want to be MD yet, but after I'm done with the NCMO i will, although it doesnt stop some training before that happens if I'm accepted.

[21:22] <@Supernuker> I wonder how you made it out of elementary school sometimes Toretto...
[21:22] <@Toretto> Elementary?
[21:26] <@Supernuker> ....

{AU} Vincetti [I'M NOT LOUIE]: is that someone jacking off?

PostPosted: 22 Dec 2008, 13:41 
Community Admin
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Joined: 02 Aug 2008, 23:02
Posts: 26
Location: on the computer
App status: ACCEPTED

See me in game for an interview when your ready.


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