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PostPosted: 27 Jan 2008, 21:10 
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Joined: 03 Dec 2004, 18:58
Posts: 6874
Start a new topic with the subject: Your Name's Application for NCPD.

Add your credentials with the following format after the bold tags:

[b]Steam ID:[/b]
[b]Have you been a police officer before?:[/b]
[b]If Yes, Where, When, and What Rank(s):[/b]
[b]Any previous arrests:[/b]
[b]If Yes, Where, When, and Why:[/b]
[b]How long have you been Role-Playing:[/b]
[b]What Days/Times of the week can you be active:[/b]
[b]Why I should select you for the job:[/b]
[b]Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully:[/b]
[b]Describe to me how you would deal with an armed 7/11 robber:[/b]
[b]Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window:[/b]
[b]Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public:[/b]
[b]Did you read the Police HandBook:[/b]
[b]Any other comments:[/b]

Note: New officers to the NCPD should memorize some of the Police Codes. We also like neat applications, with good grammar and use of bold fonts (THIS DOES NOT MEAN BOLD EVERY SINGLE WORD, THAT IS REALLY HARD TO READ)


NukeSilo Head of Human Resources
GameSurge Support Operator | - #gamesurge
Gather Network Administrator | - #gather-network

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 27 Jan 2008, 22:22 
Normal Poster

Joined: 27 Jan 2008, 20:24
Posts: 46
Location: San Fransisco

-Edited By Supernuker

TREADWELL '08 - Vote Treadwell!
Name: James R. Treadwell
Age: 25
Occupation: Mayor Candidate
Residing Chief: -

The Doctor wrote:
People assume that time is a strict progression from cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective view point it's more like a big ball of wibbley wobbly...timey wimey...stuff...

 Post subject: Sora's NCPD Application
PostPosted: 28 Jan 2008, 21:08 

Joined: 28 Jan 2008, 01:54
Posts: 1
Name: [KHG] Sora (RL: Jason)
RP Name: Sora Sky
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:13643311 (Steam username: gamester9494)
Have you been a officer before: Yes, I have been chief and all lower ranks.
If Yes, Where, When: In Mecklenburg, Augsburg, Iburg, and a few other cities, about 3 months ago.
How long have you been roleplaying: About 2 years.
What Days/Times of the week can you be active: Almost everyday around 5pm.
Why I should select you for the job: Well, I believe I can take this job on, I have much experience, I have always been in the force in my good 2 roleplaying years, and I am a great fighter, which I believe will come in handy for this job.
Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully: See below.
Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber: As soon as I'm informed of the robbery, I would gather all the material needed, and head towards the 7/11. Upon arrival, I would have the other officers guard all the exits, and ask the robber of his/her demands. Depending on their demands, the situation may vary.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window: If someone were to break the diner window, I would approach him/her, and fine him/her with the amount of money the NCPD charges for such a crime, (which I am unaware of at the moment) and have him/her pay the owner of the diner the expenses for the window. If the suspect were to flee, I would chase him/her down to a closed area until there was nowhere for the suspect to escape, and attempt to restrain him/her. Once restrained, I would charge the criminal of resisting arrest.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: If a citizen were to reveal a gun to the public without a legal reason, I would approach him/her and have him be brought to the police station for questioning. If the suspect were to be wielding a license for that weapon, I would confiscate the weapon, and release the suspect. If the suspect were to NOT be wielding a license, I would charge the criminal of possession of a weapon without a license.
Any other comments: I am a TSDMer, and am very skilled at fighting in TS3.0 (I'm usually specialists in ts_lobby servers), and although this might give you second thoughts of me actually RPing, I would like to prove to you that I am capable of doing this job well.

-Hired by Shippo (Not going to delete all that nice text =p )


 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 28 Jan 2008, 22:10 

Joined: 28 Jan 2008, 21:29
Posts: 1
my Name is Nick
my RP Name is Kevin lorenzo
ive been a officer before
cant remember
ive been roleplaying bout 3 years
active moast days
ive ben a great stratigy person
i would say get on the ground and tazer them than cuff em and jail em, if they shot i would shoot back
cuff, jail, fine
i would ask for a license and if they did not have one i would fine them, if they refused i would jail em and cuff em, and ask for a higher fine for refuseing.

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 29 Jan 2008, 16:58 
Nuke | Light Poster

Joined: 10 Jan 2006, 16:39
Posts: 123
Location: Vault 101
Name: Mark
RP Name: Mark Lippold
Steam ID:
Have you been a officer before: Yes.
If Yes, Where, When: NukeSilo, and 2 others.
How long have you been roleplaying: If you count a bunch of other games around 5 years. TSRP, about 3 years.
What Days/Times of the week can you be active: I have a part time job, but have little else to do other then that, so almost any time I am not working.
Why I should select you for the job: I feel I am a talented individual who can get the job done right the first time.
Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully: I have lots of experience role playing and am a driven individual.
Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber: I would approach the scene cautiously, as not to endanger any by standards or the suspect themselves. Then in a calm but firm voice I would ask the suspect to put their hands in the air/ and or drop their weapon should they have one. Should they not comply I would repeat 1 more time before warning them that I will use force if need be. If they still do not comply I would atempt to subdue the suspect with out injuring them if possible.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window: If they didn't run away I would issue the corresponding ticket and write up a report.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: I would issue a general warning if they didn't drop the weapon and put their hands in the air, that I may use force. Should they comply I would confinscate the weapon and check if they had a license for the weapon, should they not I would bring them downtown for questioning.
Any other comments: None.

-Accepted by Shippo. Welcome to the force!

 <@Toretto> Wow..was in line for the spinout with some friends at the fair and some fat ugly mexican lady grabbed my ass.
<@Orion`Away> I came.
<+Ryoma1337> did you like it, Toretto?
<@Toretto> Hell no..was f**king weird.
<@Toretto> Talking to my friend and I feel some fat chicks hands feeling on my ass.

Last edited by duckeh on 23 Sep 2008, 13:35, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 01 Feb 2008, 19:28 
Light Poster

Joined: 31 Jan 2008, 23:15
Posts: 10
Name: Metal
RP Name: Eisen Weiss
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:7504344
Have you been a officer before: Yes
If Yes, Where, When: Prior to it's collapse MoB TSRP, HarbuRP *During Space*
How long have you been roleplaying: About two years.
What Days/Times of the week can you be active: From 2pm-12am weekdays, 12am to 11:59pm weekends.
Why I should select you for the job: Because a cop getting killed over fining someone for breaking a window is just rediculous, and I have past experience
Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully: I'm fully capable of following orders and consider myself not the greatest at giving them, I'd decline from certain positions in the force but can provide fair coverfire, backup and stand watch.
Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber: Call for back up, survey the scene, wait for said backup, proceed based on highest rank's orders.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window: Warn first, After second offence fine, third offence jail for the duration of vandalisim.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: Ask them to put it away. if they don't comply confiscate the weapon and or call for back up depending on the reason of the gun's being drawn.
Any other comments: While I was a cop I've noticed generic players dislike me simply because I was a cop, Not based on my job preformance, I also seem to get shot at; also my past RP jobs other than being a cop have almost all been being a hitman. Wee.

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 03 Feb 2008, 01:48 

Joined: 04 Nov 2007, 16:50
Posts: 4
Name:Joe P
RP Name:Joe Picat
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:3641325
Have you been a officer before:yes
If Yes, Where, When:In Mecklenburg and about 7 months ago.
How long have you been roleplaying:3 years
What Days/Times of the week can you be active:weekdays(EST)4:30-9:30 and weekends 4-2 am
Why I should select you for the job:I have enough experience on the force, that i know what to do as a cop and what not to do and I believe that Experience will help bring crime to a halt!
Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully:I will use as enough force,but to much so that no one will get hurt, and if it comes to someone being injured or killed . . . it's the criminal.
Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber:i would get the the 7/11 asap and wait for my orders.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window:i would give them a fine,and if they do it multiple times i will see that justice is fit for the criminal and for the crime.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public:i would warn them and try to use as little force as possible,and if he doesn't comply i will do my best to have him arrested with no one being injured.
Any other comments:I believe that my Psychological approach on things will make things safer in Nuke City.

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 06 Feb 2008, 07:40 

Joined: 04 Nov 2007, 16:50
Posts: 4
um? i am suppose to post my app here right?

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 06 Feb 2008, 18:35 
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Joined: 03 Jan 2006, 09:27
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Location: Knoxville TN

[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: God must love crazy f**k tards
[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: Why?
[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: Becasue he makes so many of them.

DraconicDon: would you abduct a hobo/postman whom's IQ drops to that of a child when fed a happymeal?

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 07 Feb 2008, 06:57 

Joined: 03 Apr 2008, 18:26
Posts: 2

Sauli S.

RP Name:

Tyrone 'Machete' Godlike

Steam ID:


Have you been a officer before:

Yes, many times.

If Yes, Where, When:

Hmm... Can't remember the servers, i've played on so many, but i haven't been a cop for a while... maybe about month ago i was a cop. I've been on lots of criminal activity on TSRP so now i would like to get back to the right side of law.

How long have you been roleplaying:

I've roleplayed on many other games than TSRP. But i've played TSRP maybe 3,5 or 4 years now.

What Days/Times of the week can you be active:

Everyday! My timezone is GMT +2, which is pretty bad. So i would be on around 3pm to 8.30pm. On weekends from 10am to 1 am :P

Why I should select you for the job:

I have experience as officer. I have RPed for a long time on many kinds of jobs and many kinds of servers. I actually RP my job and i never abuse. It's your decision tho.

Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully:

I would follow orders from higher ranked officers and i wouldn't do anything by my own (unless i am alone), i would RP the robberies nicely (see below).

Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber:

Depends. There could be many kinds of situation, but let's say there's one guy with shotgun and no hostages.

First i would go to the scene when i get alarmed. Then i would look where the robber is and is he armed. Then i would look for hostages. If there's any civilians around the store, i would assist them to get in a safer place. If some of them wouldn't do what i say, i think i would arrest him. Anyways, i would tell the robber to surrender and he doesen't have a chance. Also i would try to calm him down and ask what he wants. Then i would follow orders from higher ranked officer. I would only shoot if higher ranked officer orders me to, or if the robber starts shooting civilians or the police. Fisrt i would try to take him down by shooting him into leg. If he's full of rage and keeps running, i would try to shoot somehwere else. Finally when he stops, i would cuff him and try to get field medic somewhere to give him first aid. After he has been treated, i would punish him how i should.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window:

I would tell him to stop. In this case, i wouldn't shoot, even if he starts running. If he tries to escape, i would take him down. Then i would fine him and send him to jal if he doesen't pay the fine.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public:

First, i would assist people near that situation in somewhere else. Then i would ask the guy with a gun to put it down, if he doesen't do it, i would ask what does he want and why does he have a gun out. Then i would once again follow the orders. If he drops the gun, i would slowly walk towards him and grab the gun. Then i would cuff the guy and ask for licenses. Then i would give him/her the punishment he/she deserves.

Any other comments:

My English might not be perfect, but hope you understand.

Sorry, i accidently posted this somewhere else first.

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 08 Feb 2008, 16:17 
NukeSilo | Light Poster

Joined: 24 May 2005, 13:40
Posts: 294
Location: Laurel,Mississippi
Name: Josh

RP Name:David Toretto

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:1018517

Have you been a officer before:Yes

If Yes, Where,, 4 years ago

How long have you been roleplaying:About 6 or 7 years

What Days/Times of the week can you be active:Nearly everyday, mainly on weekends

Why I should select you for the job:Ive played Nukesilo 4 years ago, and have had much Roleplay experiance

Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully:I will not abuse the power, and give all a fair roleplay

Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber:I would tell him to calm down, lower his weapon and ask what he wants

Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window:Unholster my gun, tell him to tell me why he abused public property, and ask him to put his hands on his head

Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: Unholster my gun, ask him to put it down slowly and put his hands on his head, afterwords ask why he had it, and where is his permit

Any other comments:Ive roleplayed on Epidemic,and a few other servers, mainly as Crime Bosses. 4 years ago I roleplayed as a cop on Nukesilo, and im just hoping I could do that again. Ive seen people rob with to few cops and I thought I'd help out

Maxwell Murder wrote:
Jameson wrote:
Toretto wrote:
We should always pester Nuker, never Jameson.

I approve this message!

Vetoed by the President. The following message was released instead...
Toretto wrote:
We all should hug.

[00:00] <@Jameson> Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant" is like calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist"

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 08 Feb 2008, 18:01 
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Joined: 03 Dec 2004, 18:58
Posts: 6874
Until we get a full-time chief I'll deal with hirings, please post in this forum like normal and then contact me in game server.

Note that if you already posted here and haven't got an answer to go ahead and contact me in the server.


NukeSilo Head of Human Resources
GameSurge Support Operator | - #gamesurge
Gather Network Administrator | - #gather-network

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 12 Feb 2008, 17:55 

Joined: 23 Jul 2008, 12:26
Posts: 3
Name: Postal

RP Name:Ben 'Postal' Pen

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:13876317

Have you been a officer before: No

How long have you been roleplaying: Around half a year, Im new to TSRP I come from TFCRP (it exists, but owner deactivated it because of noobs)

What Days/Times of the week can you be active: Everyday after school, week ends free except for 2-4 p.m.

Why I should select you for the job: I'm a person new to RolePlay but I plan on getting better as I go, also back on TFCRP i was a boss.

Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully: I want to enforce the law and be fair, only shooting when nessisary. I do not consider myself a leader, so i would follow the commanding officers orders.

Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber: For this situation i'm going to say he's holding the register npc hostage. I would go into a ready position out side of the 7/11 and ask him his demands. I'd agree if he would let the hostage free and unharmed. I would then ask the hostage for his descriptions and report it to HQ.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window: I would draw my gun and shout "FREEZE", then follow through with the arrest and fines.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: I would tell him to drop his gun and show me his license for it, if he owns a license i'd let him off with a warning, but if he doesn't I'd arrest him/her then bring them for questioning.

Any other comments: I am new to cop RP but i would like to learn from the experienced cops or be ones protege.

Thx for reading,

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 12 Feb 2008, 18:58 

Joined: 11 Sep 2008, 09:01
Posts: 1
Name:Erik Paulson

RP Name:Erik Paulson

Have i been an officer before:no

How long have I been roleplaying:A few weeks now but i've got the jist of it

What days/times can you be active:Monday-Thursday i can be online from about 4:30 to8:30

Why you should select me for the job: because i am the kind of person that believes in justice and feels that all those who threaten it must be punished accordingly

How will i RP my job as a cop succesfully:I will continually patrol the streets doing what people would do normally until someone commits a crime in which case i would rush to the scene and attempt arrest if necessary

How would i deal with a 7/11 robber i would surround it with my colleagues and tell the civilians to leave then shout come out with your hands up or something along those lines if the criinal refuses i would try and negotiateif he/she persists i would rush in shoot the criminal once to shock him/her and while they are freaked out i would tazer them and cuff them

Describe how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window:I would tazer them cuff them and tell them to pay the fine or go to jail iwould charge 50$ per window broken

Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public:I would cuff them and tell them not to have the gun in public or face arrest if they resisted not much they can do cuz their cuffed

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 15 Feb 2008, 19:04 
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Joined: 18 Sep 2008, 09:04
Posts: 9
RP Name:Tristan 'Spartan' Gordon
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:14710973
Have you been a officer before:no
How long have you been roleplaying:3 years
What Days/Times of the week can you be active: all days
Why I should select you for the job: You should select me for the job because I will always obey orders, never DM (unless I have to), and never flame (again)
Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully:I would RP my job succesfully by asking what a robbrs demands were, not DMing or robbing and also not allow any crimanals free.
Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber:I would deal with a 7/11 robber by seeing if he had any hostages. If he didn't then I would shout something like FREEZE NCPD also at the same time checking if he had weapons on him. If he did NOT have weapons on him I would rush in and read him his rightsas well as cuff him for unarmed robbey. if he DID have a weapon I would carefully ask what he wanted. If he wanted safe passage I would say ok but when he came out cuff him and get another crimanal off the streets.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window:I would ask why they broke the wondow and if they said because I wanted to I would give him a fine. if he did NOT accept the fine and attempt to run I ould cuff him and ask him again. If he DID accept the fine I would tell them not to do it again.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: I would say please dont keep that weapon out in public. and if they threatened to shoot at me with it I would cuff them and bring them downtown. if they ignored me I would disarm them. If they holstered it I would tell them not to do it again and leave.

If someone were to do something again AFTER I told them not to, I would bring them in for questioning (first asking why they did it)

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 17 Feb 2008, 20:52 

Joined: 24 Sep 2008, 17:09
Posts: 3
Name: Tyler Reese
RP Name: Tyler Henderson
Steam ID: Steam_0:1:7429407
Have you been a officer before: Yes.
If Yes, Where, When: I was part of the MCPD here at nukesilo for a while (back about a year to a year and a half ago) until I joined the CIA, and was successfully part of the CIA team for quite a while.
How long have you been roleplaying: Nearly two years, if not longer. Out of TSRP, I have been roleplaying for nearly six or seven years.
What Days/Times of the week can you be active: I can be active every day. Weekdays I "can" be active from 4-11pm and weekends I can be active from whenever I wake up (around noon) to 5am.
Why I should select you for the job: I am highly experienced. I have dedicated hundreds, maybe even thousands of hours to TSRP, and hundreds of hours to various PDs. My dream one day is to become either a Police Officer or RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) officer.
Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully: I will use my knowledge and skills, to the best of my ability in what I believe is serving the TSRP community, in protecting all that is good, and bringing justice to those who feel the need to do something wrong, either for personal gain or enjoyment.
Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber: I would first secure the perimeter, as civilians are the main priority. I would draw my weapon, and ask the robber to surrender peacefully. I would stay in sight of the purpetrator but not in completely clear sight where he could immediately start shooting at me. I would try to reason if him, if neccecary, I would do what I believe is right at the time, and that is in the best interests of others safety and my own.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window: I would first capture the purpetrator, reading him his rights and handcuffing him. I would then proceed to ask the purpetrator to pay the fine. If he refuses, I will take him to the Police Station. If it is an accident, no arrest will be issued if they pay for the damages.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: I would draw my weapon and aim at the purpetrator, telling him to drop the guns and shouting out for all civilians to leave the area. I would do what I believe is the safest and most effective way to handle this. If he willingly surrenders, I will confiscate the weapon and handcuff the man. I will ask to see a licence, and if he doesn't pay a fine, if I issue one, he will be taken into custody under the law.
Any other comments: Although I refer to these people as he, man, or him, for simplicity, These people could also be women.

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 24 Feb 2008, 05:33 
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Joined: 27 Dec 2005, 12:11
Posts: 1616
Location: Hustleburg
Hell yes, accepted. -Zdrok.

Edit: Awww man I wanted to keep that app as an example for everybody :( ;)

Taught by Tracer

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 26 Feb 2008, 19:40 
Community Admin
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Joined: 02 Aug 2008, 23:02
Posts: 26
Location: on the computer
Name: Xivver. If you want my real name, just call me Dave :D
RP Name: Emilio Videl
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:8662220
Have you been a officer before: Almost!
If Yes, Where, When: I was a trainee on XFRP a week before it shut down.
How long have you been roleplaying: About 2 years now.
What Days/Times of the week can you be active: 5-10 Weekdays, all day Sunday. I'm flexible.
Why I should select you for the job: Because I will add a fresh, open mind to the force who knows what he's doing when it comes to roleplaying the law. I might not know all the AMX commands, but I know what makes sense and what doesn't. I think that's saying a lot when it comes to TSRP policeman.
Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully: I would try to imagine what a good cop in real life would use to solve a situation, and translate that to the best of my ability into roleplay. I will never do anything a true policeman should not do, and I wont waste my power on personal desires or revenge.
Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber: If the robber had a weapon, I would request that he put it down. If this request is not met, I would ask him if he had any demands. I would call for backup immediately upon noticing any kind of weapon other than a knife, and I would not open fire unless he did first or I had good reason to believe he would (The perpetrator comes at me with a knife, swinging it, or runs towards me with a shotgun in hand). If the Robber has demands, I would meet any reasonable ones, and apprehend him at the next possible moment.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window: I would shout for them to get down and put their hands up, if they cooperated I would cuff them and read them their rights. If they did not cooperate, I would give chase and call for backup if necessary. Upon catching them I would cuff them and take them to jail for questioning.
Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: I would tell them to put it down, then I would confiscate it unless they had a license. I would return it to them after questioning if they cooperated. If they would not cooperate, I would take necessary precautions in apprehending them.
Any other comments: I look forward to trying this out. I've almost always been in illegal or commercial orgs, and I thought I might as well give policing a try. Aside from exact commands I know what I'm doing.


 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 27 Feb 2008, 11:27 
Nuke | Light Poster

Joined: 10 Jan 2006, 16:39
Posts: 123
Location: Vault 101
Xivver wrote:
Name: Xivver.


Chief Mark Lippold.

 <@Toretto> Wow..was in line for the spinout with some friends at the fair and some fat ugly mexican lady grabbed my ass.
<@Orion`Away> I came.
<+Ryoma1337> did you like it, Toretto?
<@Toretto> Hell no..was f**king weird.
<@Toretto> Talking to my friend and I feel some fat chicks hands feeling on my ass.

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 01 Mar 2008, 11:01 

Joined: 29 Sep 2008, 02:07
Posts: 9
Name: Firepower01 (Jeremy IRL)

RP Name:Travis Ronick

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:12243188

Have you been a officer before:Of course in two other servers one as a Deputy Chief one as an Officer

If Yes, Where, When: Razenger 1 months ago Pirates Currently

How long have you been roleplaying: 3 years (i have RPd on 3 games Starcraft, TS, GMOD)

What Days/Times of the week can you be active: Whole week 5pm-10pm (weekdays) 10am-8-pm

Why I should select you for the job: I have past experience as a cop I know how to roleplay very seriously and have done many roles

Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully: I won't use lethal force unless ordered too or I am being shot at I will always pursue a criminal and detain them in the cell block.

Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber: First i would call in the SWAT team and ask for the robbers demands I might fulfill his
demands based upon what it is. Usually i would grant him free passage out of the rob sight but make sure someone is ready to taze/arrest him
outside the door. I would then help the officer escort him to the cell block and fine the appropriate amount.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window: I would arrest/fine them

Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public: Tell them to get their hands behind their head and drop to their knees confiscate the gun ask for a license and arrest if necessary.

Extra comments: I really would like Detective

Last edited by x7mx on 01 Mar 2008, 11:52, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 01 Mar 2008, 11:07 
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Joined: 03 Jan 2006, 09:27
Posts: 1246
Location: Knoxville TN
Pending: I want to see how you rp.

[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: God must love crazy f**k tards
[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: Why?
[19:48] [502] Shadow Jones: Becasue he makes so many of them.

DraconicDon: would you abduct a hobo/postman whom's IQ drops to that of a child when fed a happymeal?

 Post subject: Re: Apply for NCPD Here
PostPosted: 02 Mar 2008, 12:02 
Normal Poster

Joined: 13 Nov 2006, 17:24
Posts: 30
"caffeine". You really want my real name? ...

RP Name:
Victor Miller

Steam ID:

Have you been a officer before:
Oh yes I have.

If Yes, Where, When:
First time was before NukeSilo died off. Didn't get much of a chance to do much.
ProdigyGaming, JustRP, and RealRP (later named to 1337Gaming, where I went up to a Cpt. I was kicked off for OOC reasons, but then I was offered a re-employment. Declined it, because the chief then was being a total A-hole.)

How long have you been roleplaying:
Since November 06.

What Days/Times of the week can you be active:
Sunday, yes.
Weekdays... well.. school, RL, etc.

Why I should select you for the job:
I RP. I know how to RP. I even know how to RP a cop. I've done it, and since NukeSilo seems friendlier the servers of my past experience, it should go well.

Tell me How you will RP your job as a cop successfully:
I know teamwork, co-operation, and dealing with people like robbers. I've also noticed the lack of attention spent at the front desk of the police station.

Describe to me how you would deal with a 7/11 robber:
First, report it on the radio, and request backup. Secondly, identify the robber, if he is armed or not. If he is, it's best to expose the least of myself and report it. If he isn't I would still expect backup, but I would order him to stay where he is. If he's holding people, I'd report it, and expect an entire team of the police to take care of this, instead of just one of me doing it. If he runs, *zap*. If he points a gun in my direction, I would either take cover, or shoot (not the head).

Describe to me how you would deal with someone breaking the diner window:
Get his attention, and have a little chat. Unless a miraculously effective excuse is given, it's gonna be a fine. If he runs, it's a chase and a *zap*, in which he would be stopped for more than just a broken window.

Describe to me how you would deal with someone having a gun out in public:
The gun is a threat. This means I have to take my gun out and have it pointed at the suspect, and order to have it dropped. If the gun swings in my direction, it's either a shot to the arm (or leg), or a *zap*. If the suspect does co-operate, it's an invitation to the station for a chat, then an arrest/fine/release would be decided.

Any other comments:
I think I might be an appropriate candidate for SWAT from my past experience, but since I haven't played for 2 months, this would work well as warm up.

Last edited by caffeine on 08 Mar 2008, 22:05, edited 1 time in total.

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